My Queen~ TFP Megatron x femme reader!!!! Pt.1 🍋

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I slowly walked to the control room in the Nemesis, I knew it would be the same boring thing as everyday, checking reports and making sure things were running smoothly.

I walked in to see Megatron sitting on his throne watching me as I walked in and bowed, " my Lord."

Megatron smirked and chuckled, " at ease (y/n)" I nodded and walked over to Soundwave, " does anything need to be looked at while I'm in here?" The silent mech shook his helm and I nodded, " very well then, I will go and work on the medical equipment Knockout needs help with then."

I then turned to walk out only to come face to chasis with Megatron, I immediately blushed but also panicked, (you see (y/n) might have a tiny crush on the warlord ) I looked up at Megatron, " I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention."

The silver mech only nodded but as I went to walk around him he stopped me, " I would like to speak with you alone." I nodded and followed him as he led me through the nemesis and stopped as we entered a berthroom, his to be exact.

I looked around taking in my surroundings the berthroom was huge, it had a big berth in the middle of it and on the wall to the left it had shelf's with rows of trophies on them.

Megatron then shut the door and locked it behind him and smirked at me as he backed me up against the wall, I started to slightly panic and felt the heat flood to my faceplates as the mech leaned closer, " you know, there is a confession I need to make to you my dear (y/n)."

" And what might that be?" I shivered as he got closer and felt heat start in between my stabilizers.

" I've developed feelings for you my dear. I've grown to love you and I know you feel the same for me." My optics widened, " you do?" He nodded and chuckled, I couldn't control it anymore and my cooling fans kicked on as he slowly leaned in and kissed me.

The kiss started out soft and passionate but then turned heated and lustful. When Megatron pulled away he looked at me and smiled, " so, will you be my queen" I nodded, " I would love to, my dear Megatron."

The mech then kissed me again with the same hunger and lustfulness, he picked me up not breaking the kiss once and laid me on his berth.

"I am going to mark you so every cybertronian on this ship knows your mine." His voice sent chills down my backstruts, " yes let everyone know that I'm yours." I then felt a sharp pain on my neck cables from Megatron biting down on them drawing a little bit of energon.

He began to trace his servos along my body feeling every curve. I whimpered as he started tracing kisses to my breastplate, " M..Megatron, please." The mech looked up at me with a smirk, " please what?"

" I need you." I squirmed under him but he quickly grabbed my servos and pinned them above my helm and then started to grind against me.

I let out a loud moan as my private plating slid back. Megatron groaned when he saw how wet I was and was quick to start pumping a digit inside me. He soon added more until he had at lest four digits pumping inside me, " I should think you are ready for me now my pet." I nodded, " yes please, fill me with your spike!"

There was then the sound of gears shifting and I looked down to see a large and erect spike.
I gasped and Megatron looked at me, " what? Do I not please you?" I shook my helm, " it's just your so big."

I looked at him, " please be gentle." He smiled and nodded, " I will, at first." He then slowly thrusted into me making me gasp and grasp onto the berth at the pain.

After a few minutes of waiting I nodded and the Warlord started to thrust into me, " f..faster!" I let out a loud moan at the pleasure.

The large mech started to pound into me making me a mess underneath him I then started to feel a knot forming in my tanks, " I I'm close!" Megatron started to pound harder and faster into me making me scream his name as I overloaded onto his spike.

Megatron rode out my overload and let out a low growl when he reached his, " (y-y/n)!"

He laid down beside me and pulled me close to him kissing my helm, " I love you my queen." I smiled, " I love you too."

Time skip

The next day I was woke up to a soft kiss being placed on my dermas, " good morning my dear." I smiled, " good morning." Megatron sat up and pulled me into his lap massaging my shoulder plates, " what would you like to do today my dear?" I looked up at him and smiled, " anything as long as it's with you sweetspark."

The mech then picked me up bridal style, " ah! Megs what are you doing!" He chuckled, " well, I'm taking you with me." He then walked out into the hall and entered the control room, every decepticon in there instantly stopped what they were doing and stared.

Megatron growled and glared at them, " what are you looking at?! Get back to work!" Then he turned and made his way to his throne. I sat in his lap and watched as the other decepticons worked on what they were doing.

I let out a satisfied hum and rested my helm against Megatrons chasis and fell into recharge.

Right before I did I heard a voice whisper, " sleep well my queen."

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