六 (Six)

11 3 0

(And if you think this is going a bit fast... that's because it kinda is ;D you'll see)

The most beautiful boy in the world stood before him, except... not in a way you would expect. For starters, he was completely naked.

Haechan smiled at the naked boy. "What is this, a stripping party?"

The small, naked boy smiled, fixing his two-toned mullet hair. "Wanna join?"

"Of course I do." said Haechan, starting to take off his shirt, but a slender hand stopped him.

"No. Let me do it." said the naked boy softly.

Haechan grinned. "Yes, sir."

The boy's thin, bony hands were starting to lift Haechan's shirt, his thumbs purposely rubbing against Haechan's now exposed skin. "You're so hot..."

Haechan giggled. "I know, baby."

Haechan's shirt was forgotten on the floor now. The two-tone haired boy moved his hands down to Haechan's pants, slowly sliding them down. Before long, both boys were completely naked.

And then the boy was on top of him, smashing his lips onto Haechan's. Haechan purposely shifted so their bodies were touching, even the private spot.

"Wow, who taught you how to be so bold?" chuckled Haechan, during a short break.

"You." said the boy. "Fuck, you feel so good..."


Haechan shot up in bed, breathing heavily. All he could think was... what the hell was that dream?

"Nightmare?" asked Haeyoung from the end of the bed, sitting on his legs so he couldn't move.

"Something of the sort." sighed Haechan, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"

"About three in the morning. I wanted to ask you something before I forget."

Haechan rolled his eyes, although he was secretly amused. "What is it, Haeyoung?"

"I was wondering... are you gay?"

"Eomma put you up to this, didn't she?" asked Haechan, sitting up so he and Haeyoung's noses were almost touching.

"Maybe." said Haeyoung mischievously. "Well?"

He thought for a moment. He'd never really considered that. All his life, he'd been too worried about Renjun to think about things most teens his age thought about, like his sexuality. He wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it.

"Well... I never really gave it much thought." admitted Haechan. "I might need some time to figure it out."

Haeyoung nodded in understanding. "I never got the chance to tell you this because you haven't been home, but I'm lesbian, and I have a girlfriend. If you want help-"

"Please." said Haechan instantly.

Haeyoung smiled. "Well, it's not something you can control. There are a lot of choices in this world, so it can be hard to sort things out. But for me, the discovery came when my girlfriend- best friend at the time- danced with me at the school dance. It kinda threw me off, since it was so... different. And a part of me felt... satisfied. Like, there was a warmth in my heart I haven't felt for a boy in a long time. So my advice... I'd advise you to follow your heart. If your heart leads you down a certain path, it's best to take that path."

"Wow, I don't remember you being so wise." chuckled Haechan.

"I'm not wise. I'm just passionate. There's a difference." said Haeyoung, patting Haechan's legs as she stood up. "Go back to sleep, oppa. And give that some thought, when you can."


"What do you mean, you had a sex dream?!"

"Calm down Jaemin, do you want the whole of Seoul to hear you?"

When Haechan was having an internal conflict, he knew he had to confide in someone. And those someones were Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin, Haechan and Renjun's classmates before the incident.

"Yes, I had a sex dream." whispered Haechan, running his hands through his hair. "And it was about Renjun."

"Holy shit." breathed Jaemin. "So does that mean..."

"I don't know." said Haechan, knowing what the younger was going to ask. "I'm not even sure if I like boys. I just... how did you two know?"

Jeno glanced at his boyfriend. "Jaeminnie was my first love. The second I looked at him, I knew."

"Love is an odd feeling." added Jaemin, his expression unusually serious. "It hits you when you least expect it, and if it's strong enough, it stays through the hardest of times."

"And that reminds me of you and Renjun." continued Jeno, catching on to what Jaemin was saying. "You and Renjun come from opposite families. You're one of the richest families in all of Seoul, and the Huangs are the definition of low-class. No one expected you to be this close, yet here you are. And you stayed, even though you could have easily left. Many people in your situation would leave. But you were always there for him, even when everyone else lost hope. I'm not saying your relationship is necessarily romantic love, but you two share a connection no one else can beat."

"When two people love each other- romantically or platonically- they'll stick with each other, no matter what." said Jaemin. "I can't tell you how you feel about Renjun- that's for you to decide. But I just want you to know that what the two of you have is love."

Haechan nodded. "But what if it is romantic love? I don't want to ruin what we have..."

"In that case... I don't think it's possible to ruin your relationship." said Jeno. "Renjun might act distant now, but that's only because he doesn't remember you. He's more stubborn than he'd like to admit. Just do what your heart thinks is best, and whatever happens... will happen."

"Thanks. I appreciate your advice, both of you." said Haechan, fidgeting with his fingers. "I don't know what I'll do yet. For now, I'll just focus on helping him in every aspect possible."

"That's fair." nodded Jaemin. "Either way, this incident will make you closer, if you play your cards right."

"Basically, don't fuck it up." summed up Jeno.

"I'll try not to." giggled Haechan.

But on the inside, his brain was swirling with everything he'd just been told. Why was love so complicated?


Renjun was marking a calendar with the dates of his appointments when his phone buzzed.

Haechan: Forgive me if I'm annoying, but are you okay? Did you eat? Do you need help?

Renjun: I'm okay, don't worry :) I just didn't sleep well last night

Haechan: You should be resting then :(

Renjun: It's alright, I'm not too tired

Renjun: What about you?

Haechan: I'm okay

Haechan: I just went out with two of our friends

Haechan: Do you remember Jeno and Jaemin?

Renjun sighed and slammed his phone on the table with all the force he could, which admittedly wasn't much. Who were these people? And why couldn't he remember anyone?

It was so annoying. He felt as if he was on the outside of some inside joke. He hated not knowing things, and this was the peak. He wasn't sure how much more he could take before he broke- both mentally and physically, given his weak condition.

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