十六 (Sixteen)

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(TW: Mentions of rape later in the chapter *I hated writing this chapter T-T*)

Renjun ended up crying himself to sleep that night. He woke to a message from Haechan.

Haechan: Did you make it back home safely?

Renjun: Yeah

Haechan: Good

There was an awkward pause after that. Renjun's finger hovered over the keyboard, half tempted to type 'sorry', but he decided against it.

Renjun: How was the party?

Haechan: Pretty good

Haechan: A bit boring without you tho

Renjun: Call me

Mere seconds later, his phone rang. Renjun took a deep breath, regretting his words, before answering it.


"Haechannie, I'm really, really sorry." said Renjun, before Haechan could even speak. "I'm sorry about everything. You didn't do anything wrong, I just got upset for no reason."

"It wasn't for no reason." said Haechan, and even over the phone, Renjun could hear his gentle tone. "You had a good reason to do what you did. I'm not mad, Renjunnie. I can still call you that, right?"

Renjun grinned. "Of course, Haechannie."

Haechan smiled too. "Did you just wake up? You look cute."

Renjun nodded, his face bright red. "You do too."

It was Haechan's turn to blush, the younger caught off guard. "Wow, it's been a long time since you said that to me..."

It was the morning of the crash, and the four of them stood in line waiting to be checked in. Mrs. Lee and Ms. Huang talked about whatever women in their late twenties talked about, while Renjun and Haechan played with their plushies.

"Ya, get out of my forest!" said Haechan in a high-pitched voice, moving his stuffed bear's arms to assert dominance.

"No, it's my forest too!" replied Renjun, hitting Haechan's bear with his fox's hands. "This calls for an animal fight!"

During the "animal fight", Haechan, being the hyperactive child he was, accidentally got too aggressive and hit Renjun in the face. Renjun stumbled a bit, blood pouring from his nose.

"Oh no!" pouted Haechan. "Renjunnie, I'm so sorry!"

"Don't say sorry." said Renjun, grabbing the tissue his mother gave him. "It was an accident."

"But now I feel bad..." said Haechan miserably, hugging his plushie to his chest.

Renjun smiled slightly. "You're so cute, Haechannie. I already said it was okay."


Haechan snapped out of his reverie. "Sorry, what?"

Renjun smiled. "You're such a dork, Lee Haechan. I just said I have to get ready now, my appointment starts in an hour."

Haechan nodded, still a bit dazed. "Good luck, Renjunnie."

"Thanks." grinned Renjun, hanging up.

As he stumbled around his room, trying his best to control his weak body, he subconsciously wore a smile. While he still felt bad about what he'd said to Haechan the night before, talking about it with Haechan made him feel much better.

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