Chapter 2

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When I got home from school that day I knew I wasn't really in troubled.

My mom and dad really want me to fight back against the bullying and I finally did.There going to be so proud of me I can already tell.

When I called my mom when I got in trouble I heard the smile in her voice.

I know she's happy.

Because I'm happy.

Because I finally beat the shit out of my stupid ass bully.

And I can finally move on in life without being hold back with all the depression I was carrying.

When I walked through the door of my house I was greeted by a big hug.

I felt fingers thread through my hair and I heard my mothers soothing voice.

"I'm so proud of you sweetie."My mother cooed in my ears.

She got off of me when I started mumbling about her squishing me.

She looked me in my eyes and I saw the fresh tears going down her face.

"I'm so proud."She said again making my eyes light up.

"I am too mom,I am too."
After me and moms little "moment".
I went upstairs in my room and changed my clothes.
I put on some baggy pants and a loose shirt on grabbed my worn out converses.I ran downstairs and told my mom I'll be back in a bit.
I rushed out the door and went in my car and drove off to the nearest mall.

On my way there I couldn't help but listen to Taylor swift.
"Cuz baby now we got bad blood!"
I screeched at the top of my lungs.

By the time I arrived at the mall bad blood was over :'(.So I exited my car and headed into the mall and headed straight for forever 21.
1 hour later ......

Take me into your loving arms

Place your hand on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

So baby








I sang to thinking out loud by Ed Sherran as it was blasting through the speakers of the mall.

I'm currently sitting on a chair at the food court smashing on some amazing meat lovers pizza.

No offense to the vegetarians but I gotta love my meat!

Ooh I think that I found myself

A cheerleader she is always right

There when I need her.......

I heard someone humming softly from a nearby table.

I turned around and there sat the most SEXIEST HOTTEST GOURALESSICOUS BOY I EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!

Sorry I just had a fan girl moment.

I mean like come on this dude is perfect.But I doubt he'll ever talk to me I'm just some nerd.I don't deserve his time.

So with that thought I turned around before he caught me starring at me.

Like picture that :

Me being a hot tomato

And him standing there looking

At me weird.

Not about to happen.Nada.Not happening at all.I just be an even bigger loser.

Munching back on my pizza I continued to listen to the malls music.
After I was done with my oh so delicious pizza I decided to go to H&M.

Since I already bought almost all the clothes in Forever 21.

When I walked in I saw Ashley and her cronies.I snickered at Ashley's red and purple bruise on her face.

Well let me rephrase that I burst out laughing.Its hilarious,its basically mocking her knowing she didn't win that fight.

Ashely looked around for the laughing but I quickly dove behind a rack of shirts.She just shrugged her shoulders and walked out the store with the rest of her cronies tagging behind.
When she finally left a let loose a sigh of relief.If she found me that would not be a pretty sight.

Walking around the store I found mutiple clothes I wanted so I just bought em all.What?

Ain't no shame in being a shopaholic.

After I was done shopping in there I was kinda tired so I just went to get my hair done.

When I walked in I was quickly rushed to a seat the hairdresser muttering something about how my hair looked dry.To say I was hurt was and understatement he was completely right.

He raked through my hair tossing it back and forth.Then a sticky liquid was dropped in my hair and he combed though my hair once again.
Then he told me to stand up and I did so and he told me to sit under the steamer and I did so.

In the meantime I got on Twitter and posted a tweet.

"@Lucy3628192pretty getting my hair done finally :)"

My phone started beeping and I looked down and saw some hate comments from the school.

Some saying I was ugly and should die and stuff like that I didn't pay attention to it and logged out of Twitter.

I decided to make a new Twitter account I named it :iamlucy.
(A/N I know that Becky g I'm not stealing it I just couldn't figure out a name.)
Then I posed for the camera only to remember I'm in a steamer so I'll just have to take it later.
"You can get off the steamer now."
My hairdresser said and I got off of it and he gestured for me to sit down again.I sat down and he comed my hair again and then he trims my spilt ends.

"Ok you can look now."I looked at my reflection and gasped my hair was now a light pink and purple was at the tips of my hair.

"Do you like it?" He asked me with hope.

"I love it!"I said grinning like fool.

I then handed him the money and walked out the hairdresser place.

I then walked out the mall with all my bags in my hands and put them in the car.
I got in and drove out of the parking lot of the mall.

I turned on the radio and earned it came on by the weekend.

I hummed softly to it not actually singing the words.

And then what felt like century's I finally pulled into my drive way and I got out of the car placing all my bags in my hands.
I walked up to door and knocked since I can't come in unless I drop all my bags on the floor.My mom opened it and she pulled me in and closed the door.

"I like your hair sweetie."She said as she did a once over about my hair.

"Thanks ma."I said as I trudged up the stairs to my room.

I walked down the hallway and stopped at my room.I opened my room with my butt and dropped all my bags on the floor.

What a day!

Tommorow I have to go to my new school and I'm planning on changing everything about me.Im going to be the bad girl at that school.

I'm going to be Westbrooks Badass.

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