Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:"Dang mama I ain't mean to slap your butt my hand just slipped"
Walking into this new school I can say I felt like a boss.I was in my element right now and nobody was about to turn my mood sour.
I was like a new person with a new improved attitude.My old self was gone and now I was like a different person.I don't even look the same.My hair is pink and purple I ditched my glasses and instead I have contacts making my blue eyes pop.I was wearing black tight jeans a white shirt and a plain black leather jacket.Oh and don't forgot the combat boots.

I have makeup on right now.
Not a lot though I don't want to overdue it.The only make up you can really see from afar is my bright red lipstick.
My combat boots squished down the hallway as I walked.People stared and whispered.I didn't give any questions though there probably all like :

Who is this bitch?

I honestly don't wan to deal with that right now so I left it alone and just walked to my locker.Until a hand smack got me angry.A dude just slapped my butt and he was smirking about it too.
He was a sight for sore eyes I'll give him that he was your all American boy.He had blonde hair blue eyes and a tan.Simple I thought but I was still angry.

"Like what you see mama?"he questioned like he was from the ghetto or something then he winked and walked away.

Oh hell no!

I yanked his collar back and I heard him give a grunt of disapprove but it wasn't like I actually gave I damn.
And throw him against the solid blue lockers.I watched him carefully as his body made impact with the locker and a thud rang across the hallway gathering the attention of others as everyone stopped what they were doing.

I rolled my eyes this school was basically like my old school.The people were desperate for gossip all the time.
It gets old sometimes,but knowing me I would be interested if a girl was beating up a boy.

I walked up to the boy and whispered in his ear,""
He shivered and I can see the goosebumps on his arms.
But he tried to cover it up.He got up and was like and I quote;"Whatever." and he got up and was walking away,until I felt his hand make contact with my ass again.Just on reflex I grabbed his arm and twisted it the wrong way.

"Ahhh!"He screeched while he was trying to get out of my grip.I just threw him on the lockers again.

"I warned you."I stated as I gave him a cold glare.

"Dang mama I ain't mean to slap your butt my hand just slipped."He said with fear in his eyes.

"Bullshit."I said as I swung my foot forward and it made contact with his manly parts.He let out a grunt as a response and I crouched down to his level.
"Ever do that again and I'll do much worst."I looked back from where I was at and I saw a big crowd looking back at me with phones in there hands.It was at least 200 people or more.They all hold the same thing-fear-.

"What the fuck yall looking at!Dont yall got classes to go to!"And just as I said that the bell rang indicating it was time for class.

Everyone scurried away.And I mean everyone.
I just shrugged and stepped over pretty boy to get to my locker.I grabbed my books out my locker and closed it and wiped the invisible sweat from my forehead and walked to my first class.
I had History first.Yayy!

Note sarcasm.

I walked in the door and all eyes on me but the teacher because he or she wasn't even here yet.So I just walked to the back of the class away from everyone's prying eyes.But just to my dispare they kept staring.

"What!"I screeched and just like that everyone's eyes were off me.I don't like that much attention.

But I still one eye on me.So I looked around and saw a boy version of me basically looking directly at me.He held a mystery in his eyes just like me and he wasn't even affected by my cold glare on the outside by in his eyes he held a tinge of fear.Good,I want everyone to stay like that.

And just like that I snapped my gaze away from him just as the teacher walked in.I instead looked at my school books and started reading everyone one.
What?Just because I'm the "bad" girl doesn't mean I have to get "bad" grades.Like I'm not stupid.So why put my smart to waste.
A tap on my shoulder made me stop reading my history book but I didn't look up.I had feeling it was a cheerleader.And I hate them.Sorry it's because of bad memories.I don't hate all cheerleaders just the stuck up ones with the perfect lives.They take all they have for granted.

"Hello?"She said in a high pitched voice.And it was hard to ignore that.Like her voice was like nails on a freaking chalk board.

"What?!"I said with pure annoyance.I don't have to deal with brainless cheerleaders.Again no offense.

"Your in my seat nerd."Did this bitch just call me a fucking nerd.
I turned around and came face to face with blue eyed blonde cheerleader.

"I don't see your name on it bitch."I said with a cold glare.She flinched at that and her face grow pale once she looked at me.

"I-I'm sorry you can have it."She said with fear and then left me alone.Just how I like it.

"You got some huge balls girl."A girl on my right and she was wearing something similar to me.I smiled at this because she gets me.
"Thanks I try."I said with a smile.

Her face grew shocked.

"You can smile?!?"She said as the shock was still evident in her voice.

I chuckled at that.

I'm going to like this girl.

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