+-𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓷𝓮: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰-+

77 4 0

-Third POV-

The sky was a soft grey, gentle fog cascading over the trees of the vast forest. It was a lovely day, helping another child and mercilessly tearing another adult apart, Kino appreciated mornings such as this. The soft smell of rain in the air, with the warmth of humidity. She hummed a gentle tune to herself as she waltzed, her tall ghostly figure swaying slightly. She stopped at a lovely little pond, watching the ducks swim around and enjoy their morning. She held out her hand, and a beautiful Adonis blue butterfly landed on her finger. Her lack of features made it very difficult to read her, but inside she was smiling. She enjoyed herself here for a moment longer, before she was called by her father.

"Kino my daughter, I need you to come home. I have something very important to speak with you about." She heard her fathers voice echo within her head, it was their main way of communication, telepathy. "Yes father" She replied, before standing to her feet. The raised her arm, and the butterfly flew away. She turned to the ducks in the pond and bowed slightly, before turning away from the pond and disappearing into thin air. 

She reappeared in the Slender mansion, in the hallway outside her father's study. Walking up to the door, she knocked once, then twice. Hearing a "come in" echo through her head, she opened the door. Inside were the three proxies, masky, hoodie, and Toby. Her father turned to look at her, before nodding and turning to the proxies. They all nodded their heads and turned to leave, they nodded to Kino as they left. Once they walked out, Kino entered and closed the door. "My daughter, it is good to see you this morning." Slenderman begun, Kino nodded her head. 

"Likewise father, what did you need to speak to me about?" She replied, Slenderman motioned for her to sit down. She complied and settled into the chair across from him, looking at her father. He seemed to ponder over something for a moment, rubbing his hands over one another. 

"I've called you in here because there is something I must ask of you" He began, drumming his fingers on his desk. He seemed hesitant, Kino tilted her head at this. "You are aware of our connection to the realm below, and our high social standing." He continued, she waited patiently for him to continue. 

"With the recent change in extermination date for sinners, we along with other overlords have been asked to attend a meeting by overlord Carmilla carmine." He spoke, making Kino perk with interest. "Is that so? is it today?" She asked him, to which he agreed. 

"I have important business that I unfortunately have to deal with elsewhere during the meeting, so I ask for you to go instead. I'll join you later on once my business is finished." He finished, Kino nodded and stood from her chair. "very well, father. I'll be heading out shortly" She answered him, nodding her head and opening the door to leave. Before she walked out, she heard her father speak once more. 

"I believe in you, Kino. Lead them with your great fear and strength, I love you." She heard him say, she smiled inside before nodding. "I love you too, father." She replied, walking out the door. She teleported to her bedroom, with a snap of her fingers she had a new outfit. Teleporting once more, she appeared within the mansions kitchen. Her joyful mood turning sour as she heard the annoying sound of arguing between Jeff and Ben, they do this almost everyday you'd think they'd be bored of it by now.

"Ben did you take my fucking knife again!? what have I told you about touching my shit you fucking elf!" Jeff yelled at Ben, who merely rolled his eyes. "I didn't take your knife you prick, maybe ask Jane." He dismissed Jeff, making his eye twitch. 

"I already asked her dipshit, she said you took it." Jeff growled, making Ben grown. "well I didn't, now go bother someone else you fucking Joker wannabe." He snapped back, making Jeff growl once more and lunch for him. Before he could, a tendril wrapped around him. 

"Enough. Both of you." Kino's voice echoed loudly in their heads, Jeff rolled his eyes and sighed. "whatever.." He replied, making Kino set him down and continue her business. Ben smirked at Jeff who let out a growl in his direction, before storming out the kitchen. Kino simply grabbed a jar from the fridge, twisting it open she allowed her face to rip open into a grin. Opening her mouth, she allowed the bloody contents of the jar to fall into it. Swallowing, she smiled with satisfaction. Picking up a notepad, she scribbled onto it.

 "Thank you for the meal, EJ. I'll be sure to pick you up some aged kidneys today. - Kino" she wrote, pulling it off and teleporting down to the basement where the infirmary was. She left the note on his desk, teleporting back to the living room. She called for Masky and Hoodie, to which the two walked over to her. 

"Father and I have important business to attend to today, while were gone, you two are in charge." She told them, they both nodded and went about their days. With the snap of her fingers, she had her purse. Walking out the front door, she strolled deep into the forest. Reaching a good distance, she took out her pentagram chain, her portal to hell. Tossing it onto the ground, it glowed brightly before sending a flare up into the air. The flair spun into a giant circle, opening the portal. Smiling, she stepped through. 

the red streets of hell surrounded her, she looked around happily smiling. "It's been a while since I've been here, doesn't look like much has changed. Ah well, suppose I should get to this meeting then." She thought to herself, and with that she disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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