Keera stars in new movie. Part 20

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The girl stepped around the blood marks on the carpet and accepted the sandwich Yuri handed her. She sat down on the couch, removed the roast beef and bit into the sandwich.

Vronsky said, "You recall the film scene we shot before? The take was good, but we need to reshoot. Small problem with interpretation. Similar dialogue, no new character to learn."

She chewed, didn't reply. She was going to resist him again, he knew it.

Yuri pulled her cell from his bag and gave it to Vronsky.

"Your performance last time was excellent," Vronsky said. "This time we'd like to see the same energy and immersion in character." He turned the cell over in his hands, thumbing different buttons until the camera app was ready. He squeezed a button and the cell clicked like it had a shutter. She ignored him, kept chewing.

"Nice image," he said. "Crisp and clear, perfect for capturing those special moments." He tried the video option. After a few seconds he checked the screen again. "Video capabilities, first class." He pushed the shopping to one end of the coffee table, slid his own glass to the other end. "Too much clutter in the frame."

"Is this an entry at Cannes?" Yuri asked. "Can we do this thing and leave?"

"We leave soon. Get everything together, and book a place for us."

Yuri fished his own cell out of his jacket and left the room. Semyon slouched in an armchair with his glass, eyes fixed on her.

Vronsky lifted the cell higher. "Are you ready, Miss?" he said. "I give you your lines. 'I am being held. Please follow instructions in the next text.'"

She paused, held the sandwich at the ready. "Who are you sending this message to?"

"The same one as before. Your father."

"You think he's the one to talk to?"

"It makes the only sense."

"You think he's available to anybody, anytime?"

"I think he is available to you, yes."

"And he'll believe this came from me?"

"After he sees pictures he will understand the situation."

"You're crazy." She bit into the sandwich.

Vronsky said, "All those who succeed in their endeavors are crazy. Have you finished eating? I ask because we need to leave here soon." I'll stay polite one more second, he thought.

"I'd appreciate a drink. Is that possible?"

"No." Vronsky looked at Semyon. Semyon rose from his easy chair and removed her sandwich from her hands, throwing it across the room. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Vronsky pointed the cell at her and said, "When I nod, you say 'I am being held, please follow instructions in the next text.'"

She sank back in the couch. "Do I smile a little or should I cry a lot?"

"You should look like you are very worried and if you don't, Semyon will help you out."

Semyon stood beside her and she tensed, ready for another blow to her head. "Okay, let's roll the tape," she said.

He pressed a button and she said, "Hi Dad, it's me. I'm in a jam here as you can see, and these guys are going to ask you something. It's not a biggie, but can you do this without breaking any laws?"

He stopped videoing. What was she trying now? "What is this 'biggie'?"

"It's an expression. It means 'I don't want to make a fuss.'"

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