Chapter 5 Responsibility

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Being a grandpa have alot of responsibility.

Like now, I have to be careful. Because my grandson is eating his noddles, and I have to be sure for him to not get some of his noddles on his clothes till my wife come back from talking with her friend that she encountered by chance while we were walking.

My grandson were eating fast like he didn't see noddles in his life. Even though he just ate noddles yesterday. I can't let him eat so much of one thing since it will be bad for his tummy.

While I was staring at him, he turned his gaze towards me too. Making me smile and keep staring at him. And he kept staring at me. I don't know if he were playing because he started to smile bit by bit, and his smile started to widen bit by bit too.

Only then did I feel my wife tape on my shoulder, and I turned to her.



We then kept walking our little outing. This outing was for me and my wife, since we need to walk like that from time to time. Our grandson was going on just the red squares with Bob.

I used to do that too. It was alive and dying game for me when I was little. I don't really know when did I stop playing it. But seeing my grandson do it, made me want to do it again.

My wife's eyes widened, seeing me do the same as my grandson made her laugh.

Our little outing ended, and we got back home with my grandson.

My son told me that he will not come and pick his son up. Means my grandson will sleep with us today.

Because of my son, and his habit of leaving his son with us for more than a week. I made my son is room where he used to sleep before going to live by himself as my grandson is room.

Since he get to be with us all the time anyway. My grandson wanted to go to the attic and see an old things used to be in the house before. He call them magical stuffs.

So I got him to the attic and started looking here and there with him, he grabbed some plushys were in an old box, of course it were for my daughter when she was young. And they look clean because my wife got them into a plastic bag and put them in a box. Don't know why.

He then put the plushy back on the box and got to look around the place more, meanwhile I stood up taking on the old memories of me coming to my daughter whole she were playing by her dulls. And hug her to me because I missed her, her brothers come from behind me and hug me tightly while pleading me to play with them.

"Grandpa grandpa!"


"I want this mirror!"

"And why this mirror child?"

"I donno... It just took my eyes..."

"Okay then. Take it, we have to place it on the wall right?"



Be sure to tell me your thoughts about this story. And support me so I could keep going.

Be sure to see the other stories since they are interesting too 😏.

Have a good day!!! 🐈.

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