Life is Life...

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(so most, if not all of this will be Shadows POV, so ENJOY 💖)

Shadow POV:
*Sigh* .. just another day, I woke up, broke my new alarm clock, and woke up again. Luckily, due to how much money I got from my night job, my I won't have to pay for another six months.

I don't have a day job, heh, unless you count my daily schedule of going to the same store every day to buy clothes. I get those clothes for my job, but... I'll admit that's not the only reason I go there.. chaos, I hate talking about my love life and crap, there's this cashier who I really like, like if most people here didn't accept gays and we all had more free will than America, I would grab him by the damed collar and kiss him, right there.. but i can't so i just buy clothes. Due to the anti-gay and crap, I have to pretend I'm straight and have a wife or sister or child that needs these clothes.

When I first went there, people looked at me weirdly but he just smiled and let me be on my way without questioning, then, when no one else was around or in the store, we would talk all buddy buddy about.. well, anything! I guess it's weird having a crush on someone because they talk to you, but he is the only one I can talk to like this, during the day at least. Of course I don't tell him about my job or what I like, he works for one of the companies that belong to the BIGGEST homo-ph0b3s you'll ever see, I'm not risking my somewhat friendship with him just to tell him something he'll definitely be disgusted by...

Oh, and if you're wandering, my night job is working at a femboy cafe. I where what I choose and hide my eye color so no one recognizes me. In the daytime, I where all black with a hood on and sometimes a black masks, the people here don't mind that. Also, even if I had a chance with the Cashier, it would be impossible due to how many Fangirls he has.

About him, I can't believe I'm writing this down, he has silky, cool blue fur and quills, his eyes are like Green Emeralds, sparkling in the sun, his voice.. it can be so frickin annoying and, yet, so soothing.. he is at least my height and his name is Sonic, (SURPRISE YALL💀💀💀) very fitting considering how much he like to run. I really wish we could be together some way, somehow... Okay, I better stop before I become a stalker.

(That's all for this part! Sorry, I know it was kinda short and barely had anything but this is my first time making one of these stories, 🙏🏼 forgive me)

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