Chapter 1

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I became conscious.

It wasn't like waking up, it was more like being lost in your thoughts and being called by someone, only in an unfamiliar place and with unfamiliar faces, which was certainly absolutely disconcerting.

Besides, no one called me, and on top of that, I was in a crowded classroom. Huh? a moment ago I was supposed to be playing with my phone, and now I'm here? huh?!

I looked to my side and saw students with strange uniforms and colorful tufts of hair. Is this a new fashion or something?... I could feel the cold beads of sweat swirling on the line where my hair began.

"Yamada-kun, are you okay?" The girl next to me turned her head towards me with this question, her face was certainly very pretty and her pink hair was striking in a strange way. Not bad, though.

I got up from my seat without reacting, all the strangeness of the situation was building up and my fight or flight response kicked in, I obviously chose flight. The creaking of my desk caused people to look at me and .... I ran out of the classroom.

"Yamada-kun!" I ignored the girl's worried call and ran... somewhere. Isn't this nightmare extremely realistic?! The wind certainly felt very real!

On the way, I dodged a surprised clipboard-wielding woman who apparently tried to enter through the door I had left... But I brushed that aside as I stumbled down the surprisingly crowded hallway.

What the fuck? If this was a dream or a nightmare, something should have happened besides confused looks! My last classroom dream involved a sexy teacher and .... Rather, I noticed something odd as I regurgitated words in my head. Why am I speaking English in my head when the conversations around me are clearly in Japanese?

The last time I checked, Japanese was not one of the languages I was fluent in!

I paused in my frantic rush. As an avid anime reader and critic, my brain quickly came to a conclusion, one that, while exciting, was troubling due to the lack of memories other than my own.

Transmigrated? Just like that? What kind of powerful being drops me in the middle of a packed classroom with no memory of how I got there?!

I sighed as I reached what seemed to be the school bathroom.

I walked in and quickly looked at my face and saw myself in the mirror, I looked... good. I didn't know how to describe it, I wasn't absurdly good-looking, but I wasn't average either, but in an anime I might as well be an extra because of my pretty normal features, I had no colorful hair, just pretty gray eyes. It was sad not to be absurdly handsome, but what could I do? At least I knew where I was because of the uniform I wore. No other school would wear such ugly colors.

Classroom of the elite... Not bad. I thank the being that transported me for not leaving me in Worm or Warhammer or some other absurdity like DC.

Having superpowers sounded good, but come on... I'd rather not fear for my life every day of my life....

Call me a coward, but... well, I had no excuses. Cowardly but alive, that sounded good in my books.

Anyway, I should get back to class. I wondered where I was in the timeline, since Ichinose... God, Ichinose, that girl was beautiful, those bunny eyes and that figure... oups, I was getting off topic, since she knew my name, it had probably been a few days since the start of class... hmmm.

Also the B class. Not bad, they were naive but not bad people, and while most readers saw no chance of them advancing to A class, they seemed to me to have a good chance, as they had a good balance of intelligence and strength. They just erred on the side of being good people....

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