Chapter Three: "Sunset Skates and Jealous Blades"

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The roller blade training ground was a place of sweat and determination. Caspian’s trainer, Coach Ramirez, barked instructions as Caspian executed spins, jumps, and intricate footwork. His blades sliced the air, leaving trails of determination in their wake. He was a perfectionist, honing his craft with relentless focus.

And there, waiting at the edge of the rink, was Caelum Nocturne. His sun-kissed hair glinted in the afternoon light, and his eyes followed Caspian’s every move. Caelum had no business being here—no blades on his feet, just curiosity in his gaze. He admired Caspian’s precision, the way he defied gravity, but it was more than that. Caelum saw the fire—the hidden warmth—beneath Caspian’s icy exterior.

When Caspian finally stepped off the rink, sweat-soaked and breathless, he noticed her—a girl from his class, Lena. She held out a water bottle, concern etching her features. “You looked parched,” she said. “Thought you could use this.”

Caspian took the water bottle, his gaze flickering to where Caelum stood. The sunbeam was still there, watching. Caspian’s throat tightened. Why did Caelum linger? Why did he care?

Without a word, Caspian drank deeply from the bottle, the cool water soothing his burning throat. And then, with a determination that surprised even him, he strode over to Caelum.

“Get up,” Caspian ordered, grabbing Caelum’s arm. “We’re going to the park.”

Caelum blinked. “What? Why?”

Caspian’s expression was fierce, possessive. “Because you want to learn, right? You want to skate alongside me?”

Caelum’s eyes widened. “Yes, but—”

“No buts,” Caspian snapped. He dragged Caelum out of the training ground, ignoring Coach Ramirez’s raised eyebrow. The park was nearby—a stretch of pavement, shaded by ancient oaks. Caspian pushed Caelum onto his feet, ignoring the way his heart raced.

“Show me what you’ve got,” Caspian said, his voice low.

Caelum stumbled, arms flailing, but he grinned. “I’m not as good as you.”

Caspian’s jealousy flared. “You will be.”

And so, beneath the dappled sunlight, Caspian trained Caelum. He showed him the basics—the balance, the push-off, the way to turn without toppling. Caelum stumbled, fell, and rose again. His laughter echoed, infectious and infuriating.

“You’re a natural,” Caelum said, wiping sweat from his brow.

Caspian scowled. “Don’t get cocky.”

But as Caelum’s blades traced hesitant patterns, Caspian’s jealousy melted into something else—a grudging admiration. Maybe Caelum’s warmth wasn’t a threat. Maybe it was a challenge—a fire that could ignite more than just blades on the pavement.

And so, in the park, beneath the watchful eyes of ancient oaks, Caspian Tidecaller and Caelum Nocturne danced. Their blades whispered secrets, and the jealous sunbeam became a willing student.

The tides of steel shifted—a silent waltz between two souls, each daring the other to step closer.

To be continued…

[Note: sorry for bad grammar, its just for fun]

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