Pretty and Smart ☆ WM

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pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader

summary: Wanda has a fear of the dentist, but what about when she wants to start dating one?

warnings: mentions of drugs (anesthesia), swearing, injurys (tooth injurys), such a shitty ending cuz i'm terrible at writing endings, needles

a/n: completely inspired by the fact that i got three teeth removed yesterday and flirted with my 20 year older nurse lol. literally everything that Wanda says while waking up is from videos my sister took of me.


Wanda's eyes almost start glowing red as Natasha forces her through the medical room door. This part of the medical wing is filled with all types of necessities for a dentist to perform regular check ups, surjurys, or any other type of appointment that an Avenger would need.

Tony hired the best dentist he could find and that worries Wanda a bit as usually that means they're pretty with no brain. That's not the only thing that worries her though. Her long lasting fear of being put under anesthesia is coming out quite quickly as the time for her appointment to get two teeth pulled from inside her gums approaches. She locked herself in her room a bit ago, but she should have remembered that her best friend is a retired spy.

"Please just help me out here Wanda! I don't want to be late to my date with Maria!" Natasha complains, practically shoving her friend through the door. "I thought it was bros before hoes Nat?! What happened to that?!" "We graduated from middle school Wanda! That's what happened!"

You're filling out some paperwork when Natasha finally gets Wanda into the room, and the way you smile at her doesn't help with the butterflies in her stomach. "This is my friend Wanda. She's here for her appointment. Bye." Natasha says before leaving, and Wanda is about to send a ball of red energy her way before the door closes.

Your eyes widen at her magic and she smiles nervously as it fades. "Sorry." You chuckle, standing up from the desk and holding a hand out for her to shake. "You're fine. What's your name sweetie?" You ask, subtly leading her to sit on the chair. "I'm Wanda. Wanda Maximoff. And're the dentist Tony hired?" "Well yes. I work at a dentist office in the city and Mr. Stark came in looking for someone. I need the extra work. Sorry....I'm rambling."

She shakes her head, sitting down in the chair as she smiles at you. "Don't be sorry. It's making me feel better." Her nerves are slowly fading the more you flash your bright smile at her, but their right back when you pick up something from the side tray.

Your smile slightly falters when her fingertips start glowing red, but it stays in order to help comfort her. "You're alright dear. It's just a pulse oximeter. I'm going to put it on your pointer finger in order to help me keep track of the absorbed oxygen into your red blood cells." She doesn't understand what that means, but she begins to slowly relax as you explain every machine you're connecting to her body. A blood pressure cuff, an ankle monitor to track her heart rate, a wrist monitor to do the same, and then you wheel over the IV rod with a type of liquid anesthesia that will go from the rod, through a plastic tube, and into her bloodstream in order to sedate her while you work on her teeth. The moment she sees the needle, her eyes flash red.

You scoot your chair back a little, a nervous smile overtaking you as you remove the needle from her eyesight. "Okay honey, calm down. It's just a needle. It's gonna be a gentle little poke and then a very tiny plastic tube is going to go in your arm which will let the liquid anesthesia flow to your blood and sedate you. That way, it only feels like you're asleep for one second and you won't feel the pain." She shakes her head, beginning to sit up until you place a gentle hand on her arm. "Miss Maximoff, would you like me to get one of your friends?" She takes a deep breath, forcing the red to fade from her eyes as she lays back down. "I'm a grown woman. I can handle this."

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