A Sense of Impending Doom ✮ NR

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pairing: Natasha Romanoff x reader

summary: being forced to go to a Stark party, you just pray the last person you want to see, doesn't come up to you.

warnings: really shitty angst?, cussing, alcohol

a/n: I've never wrote angst so sorry if this is so terrible lol. 


With a heavy sigh, you exit the elevator and into the huge room. There are colorful lights all over, and you slightly hear someone singing I Wanna Dance with Somebody over the loud talking of the party guests.

When you got the invitation to yet another Stark party about a week ago, you instantly threw it in the trash. You're trying to put your Avenger days behind you after your breakup with one of them, but Tony has never been able to catch a hint. The next one came from a text from Steve, where your best friend tried to convince you to come with the promise, "Natasha won't be there." You know that's not true, so you left the man on read until he changed the subject. Then Yelena literally came to your apartment, and the young woman literally wouldn't stop "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree." until you agreed to go. Random, but effective.

So here you are, all dressed in a fancy outfit and flask of vodka in hand. Of course Tony always provides drinks, but this was for the cab ride to the Compound.

You catch Tony's eye from across the room, but he looks too far gone for you to even get a full conversation with him right now so you instead look around for anyone else. Suddenly, you're being picked up by two strong arms, and you instantly reach back to elbow them in the face. A harsh reaction, but Natasha would definitely be proud at the groan the person releases after months of trying to teach you self defense. Your attacker drops you on your feet, and you turn to see Bucky wincing as he holds his bloody nose. You let out something between a gasp and a laugh and Bucky glares at you.

"I'm sorry Buck! I thought you were attacking me!" "Why would someone attack you here? You're literally surrounded by Avengers!" He makes a valid point, and that's what you voice as you walk him to the bar to get the first aid kit always kept behind it. You guys learned your lesson after having to go search for one every time Tony drunkenly gets hurt and bleeds all over his nice rugs on the floor of the party room.

You try your best to clean up the blood and fix his nose, but something- or should I say someone catches your attention and you drop the flask you're holding in your hand. The metal makes a loud noise as it clatters against the ground, but you pray it's too loud for your discretion to notice. Your prayers are not answered.

The woman a few feet away turns to face your direction, you pretend you don't notice as the redhead gulps down her drink and continues staring at you even when you go back to fixing Bucky's nose.

"Natasha?" Bucky asks, and you sigh as you nod. "She's staring. Get her to stop Buck." He just chuckles and shakes his head. "What do you want me to do? Go over to her and demand she look somewhere else?" "Exactly!" You both laugh, and you give him a soft kiss on his forehead when you're done with his nose. The blood is mostly gone, and you know his super soldier serum will heal the rest of his nose in the next few weeks. He gets up, walking behind the bar and slinging a towel over his shoulder as he pretends to be your bartender, "What can I get you tonight?" You give him your order, and watch as he stares at you for a few seconds before you both burst out laughing. "I don't know how to fucking make that! How about a glass of whiskey? Or two? Or five?"

Bucky is your best friend next to Steve and Wanda. Nobody can really tell why, but everyone knows it's still a great pair even if you two don't seem like people who would usually be friends.

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