Camp is where now? (7)

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Chapter 7

The police arrived and spent hours evacuating and searching the area for Shigaraki, who later I found out was the same man who I bumped into outside of the store.

Later, we were brought down to the police station to be questioned about the encounters we had with Shigaraki. We ended up not having school the next day, so I spent the free day with Katsuki sparring. When it had gotten late, Katsuki had offered to let me sleep at his house, but I decided to refuse the offer, for I have a house to clean, curtsy of my so-called parents.

We part ways in the street and I walk up to my house. It was still quiet inside as I surveyed the room, I noticed there were only two beer bottles sitting atop the table and everything else was spotless. Shocked at this discovery, I came to the conclusion that something wasn't right.

"Clarissa, Jim? Are you here?" I shout, hoping for a rage filled reply and something along the lines of 'get cleaning' or 'shut up' followed by an offensive slur. After a moment or two, I received nothing but silence as a reply. I cautiously walk to the kitchen, once there, I grab one of the steak knives out f the knife holder and continue clearing the house, searching for anything wrong.

I continued room clearing for the next twenty minutes, not finding a single thing wrong other than the house being clean. As I finished looking through the last room of the house, the floorboards creaked below me, but I finally decided that the house was safe, but nobody was home. I figured that my "Parents" might have gone out to a casino hotel for the week like they sometimes do to treat themselves. I have decided to go to my room for the time being and sleep for the night.

As I lie on the beat-up mattress in my room with the steak knife lying next to me on the hard wood floor, I can't help but think about how strange coming home was. The house was clean for once, I don't remember the last time I didn't have to clean up the pigsty my "parents" had made for me to clean. I had assumed if they were to leave, they would leave a grand mess on purpose to make the child they never wanted suffer and be occupied while they were gone. This whole night feels off, I think to myself as I close my eyes and went off to sleep.


"Ughhhh! Shut the hell up!" I slam my fist down on my phone to shut off the alarm. As I sit up from my mattress, I rub my eyes and yawn. 

When I stood from my bed, I didn't think to look where I was stepping before accidentally slicing the side of my foot with the steak knife I had left beside the mattress. I yelp, and fall backwards, back onto my bed. Blood is now seeping out from the freshly made wound. I sigh, standing and further watching my step this time.

"Looks like it's going to be one of those days." I say to myself and hobble over to the bathroom to clean the cut, leaving the knife on the floor to clean up later. Sitting myself on the bathroom counter, I examine the cut again, by the time I do so, the blood is flowing more freely down my foot. I cut it good, it looks to be deep. I got the first aid kit out and cleaned the wound, it hurt to sterilize but felt better once it bandaged it up.

"Alright, now that, that is taken care of, how much time do I have- OH SHOOT! No time!" I race out of the house, forgetting al about the bloody knife that lay on the floor of my room. I use my air quirk to gain speed and run out of the fast quicker.


I burst into the classroom right as the bell rang. Looking over to where Katsuki sits, I give a nasty glare before making my way over to my seat. Shortly after I sat down, Aizawa walks into the classroom. He looks as tired as usual, but this time his sleeping bag is rolled up and is carried by him.

"Make sure to grab your belongings. You are expected outside to board the bus in ten minutes. Dismissed." With that, Aizawa walks out. Everyone stands from their seats and grabs their stuff, while I make my way over to Katsuki.

"You didn't even walk to my house to check on me? You jerk! You just left without me!" I confront him, he just looks up to me from his seat with an unamused look on his face.

"You were late, I wasn't going to be late because of you, vine face." Bakugo picks up his bag and pushes past me. I clenched my fists before letting go of my anger with a sigh. Defeated, I pick up my small bag and follow everyone out. 

The bus ride was long and talkative, I sat next to Shoto for most of the ride. He was like a heater on the freezing bus ride. As to why the driver kept the temperature so cold, I have no idea.


Remind me to never trust Aizawa again. We are currently fighting off two forest monsters no thanks to the pussy cats and trying to make it to the camp before dinner. I was able to take down most of the nature beasts because they were simply held together by vines, but they were still a pain in all of our butts to handle.

The body of the monster consisted of boulders, fell to the ground with a loud 'thud.' Once I heard the sound, I bent over and rested my hands on my legs, panting and out of breath. I've never used my quirk this much before, it is exhausting.

I walked over to a nearby tree before leaning on it and surveying the area. Everyone was exhausted at this point; some lay on the forest floor on the verge of passing out while others breathed heavily bent over and barely standing. I spot Katsuki leaning up against a nearby tree next to me. I turned my head, facing forward I groan, not wanting to continue our trek to camp. 

My legs swayed, about to collapse when suddenly I spotted something shiny in the distance. I walk closer and see the shape of a pilar start to form. A laugh of disbelief escapes my lips and I shout to the others.

"Guys! I see it! The camp!" Everyone in class 1A bolts to their feet and looks over to where I am pointing. Before I could even blink, Kaminari was already on his feet and running towards the camp. I Release a breathy chuckle before following with the rest of my class following in suit.

When we reach the pillars, we are met with Aizawa and one of the wild pussy cats. "Wow Aizawa, you're not wrong about your students! I that they wouldn't get here till dinner!" 

Aizawa nods before addressing the class, "Go clean up. We will get you for lunch when you are done." A chorus of, 'yes Senei' was said before we followed the cat hero to the hot spring.


"WOO HOO!" I shouted before cannon balling into the pool. I sigh, relaxing into the warm water; A perfect reward to end the day with. The girls and I unwind in the pool for about twenty minutes when I see a young boy walk out with a stack of towels. 

The boy reminds me of the little kids in my neighborhood that I used to play with at night. I get out of the pool, water dripping off my one-piece bathing suit. The boy seemed to notice me coming closer, causing him to rush and put the towels down. I quickly grabbed one before stopping him.

"Hey! Wait! I don't believe I've met you before, what is your name?" As I try to talk to him, I wrap the towel around myself. I look the boy in the eyes and recognize the look of uncertainty and hesitance that lay within; Something that I knew very well growing up. 

He must have realized I was not just going to give up and walk away because he masks his look with a glare. "None of your business." He spat before continuing his way out. I stand there for a bit, looking at the door he left through. I want to help him; I want him to know he's not alone. I don't know what he has gone through, but right then and there I promised myself that I will find a way to comfort and help him.

Hey everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day. Sorry for not posting, I have recently got a job and it's been taking up my time. Hope you enjoyed the book! -C0ffee_Stain

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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