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| Gold Rush |𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪

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| Gold Rush |


January 2023
Taylor's NYC apartment

"Hey, do you think you could come to at least one show?.." she mumbled breaking the silence between them he sighed and said "Taylor I've told you multiple times I don't know I have a job you know" "I know I know but you stop filming in April really and the tour ends in August so I was just thinking you know"

"I am not having this argument with you again Taylor." Joe told Taylor "Joe I'm not trying to argue I just wanted to know if you could make it to at least one show." Taylor said as she paced back and forth "Well it sure seems like you are we have this argument every other week." Joe muttered.

"Well maybe just listen to me then??" Taylor shouted, "Notice how you are shouting and I'm not?" Joe said as he walked out of the room.

Taylor could feel the tears well in her eyes as she started walking towards joe "That's not fucking fair and you know that."

"Well Taylor life isn't fucking fair" Taylor was about to burst into tears "Joe why can't you just fucking care just come to one show," she said as she chased him down the stairs.

Joe stayed silent as he put on his shoes and grabbed his coat "Where the fuck are you going??" she cried out Taylor's sadness now mixed with anger "I'm going to go stay with a friend I'm not doing your drama today" Taylor choked back a sob as she watched him leave.

She felt the tears start streaming down her eyes as the door closed behind him.

She couldn't believe what just happened, she didn't want to believe what just happened. She didn't know what to do she had no one to call so she just sat there sobbing on the living room floor.

i am so sorry this chapter is so short but i'm insanely tired and have so much homework to do ☹️

Gold Rush  : ̗̀➛ Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now