bad news

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You may all know my cat blue right?

Well I though I'd aware you guys aswell of bad news

It is with unfortunate news that my cat has been put up for sale without me and my sisters consent by my heartless parents ( mostly my mom )

And has now been officialy sold.

My mom hadent cared to tell me and he will be gone by Monday which is in 3 days time

He will be taken away from me into a new house And someone else will take care of him

I really hope they don't do anything bad to him . He has to have a happy life like I gave him.

All of the cat stuff are soon to be sold. Everything

Now that he has to go all those memories with him for 1 year leave me and new memories will be made but with other people.

Blue probably won't remember me but I will remember him

I want all of us to remember him
All his baby photos I posted
I'm going to cherish them.

Goodbye my blue blue 💙

Goodbye my blue blue 💙

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Mommy loves you

( I cryed all day in my bed cuddling him while he was purring )

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