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My telephone kept ringing as I started to wake up and realizing I was on the couch. I probably had an overdose but I had to get ready for my job as a waitress, I got up from the couch and I was stumbling and bumping into everything once I got to the phone and I grabbed the phone and heard the voice through the phone, it was my damn boss.

"Vicky? You coming to work today? Because if not nobody's not covering your shift now get your ass to work and come qui-" before he could even speak more I hung up I placed the phone back on the wall and got ready for work, I grabbed my parents keys and drove to work once I got there my coworker, Jade told me to go waitress the table that had three greasers were waiting there for a waitress to come and order there food.

I walked up to the table and pulled my notepad out and clicked my pen open. "Hello boys, how may I take your order?" I said as looked at the three boys, two seemed young and the other seemed like my age.

"I'll have a milkshake with fries" One little boy said as he looked at the menu.

"Me too" Dark hair boy said as he looked at me.

"I'll have your number darling or maybe you" The older boy said. I tried to shake it off but couldn't.

"Uhm.. I'll give you my number" I faked chuckled and wrote the young boys orders down.

"Then give it to me doll" The older boy smirked. So I did what I had to do, I gave him my number, I grabbed a piece of napkin and wrote my number and my name down and have it to him. "Haven't got your name or order" I smirked.

"I'll just have a milkshake doll and the names Dallas, Dallas Winston" Dallas winked at me.

I wrote down his order and looked up at him. "The names Vicky, Vicky Brooks" I went to the back to where the kitchen was and I gave the free cookers they're orders and they just did the fries and the milkshake I had to do.

Once I was done with their orders, I went to the table with their orders and I placed it down on the table and I continued talking to Dallas. "So what's y'all guys name?" I asked to the two boys.

"My names Johnny, Johnny Cade" Johnny said who was the black hair boy.

"Ponyboy, Ponyboy Curtis" Ponyboy said.

"Cool, how old are you guys?" I asked another question because you can never be too sure.

"I'm 14" Ponyboy said as he drank his milkshake.

"I'm 16" Johnny ate his fries.

"I'm 17" Dallas drank his milkshake and smirked at me.

"I'm 17 also and I thought you and Johnny were 14" I told Ponyboy and Johnny while the boys just shrugged their shoulders.

We talked for a bit until I had to continue my job and they had to leave. They paid for the food and left, Dallas winked at me before he left and I was all alone with waitressing tables and cleaning counters. My shift was over at 8:00pm so I left the restaurant and went home to go change into a pretty white dress that hugged my curves and I kinda felt off about the dress but I just ignored it.

I went to the movies with Sherrie and Her and her boyfriend got into an argument over something little so we just sat somewhere else and we watched the movie until the same greasers I saw at the restaurant were there and sat behind me..

"Hey beautiful, nice to see you again" Dallas whispered into my ear and I tried to hide my smile but completely failed.

"Hey Dal, nice to see you again too" I just kept looking at the theatre screen.

"So uh.. You got a boyfriend?" Dallas put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it up and then took a puff out of it.

"No I don't got a boyfriend" I looked at him smoking the cigarette and I just rolled my eyes playfully.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing without a boyfriend? I mean I could be your boyfriend" Dallas winked at me and I just chuckled.

"Then kiss me"

"Alright then bet" Dallas turned my face to look at him and he kissed me on the lips.

It felt so good.. That's when I found my true lover.. Right at the movies.. That's where we kissed... The restaurant is where we met... God I love him

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