We need to talk

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POV: Hope

As I walk hand in hand with Penelope, I glance at her.
She looks different than usual.
There's something in her expression, an odd tension in her muscles as we walk together.
I'm not sure what it is, but it worries me.
My mind keeps running on things i might have missed, but i don't know what could have happened.
Penelope was always so open and honest about everything, especially her feelings, and i'm worry about the distance i feel growing between us.
There's something different about her, something i can't quite place.
It's not just her makeup, which seems lighter, or her clothes, which seem more casual.
It's something deeper, something under the surface.
i can't quite put my finger on it, but something about her seems off.
i try to focus on other things, the sights and sounds of the market, the people milling about, but i can't help but keep glancing at Penelope's face, looking for clues.

- Babe, is everything okay? - i ask curious.

- yes, don't worry - Penelope says looking everywhere but me.

We find a bench to sit on.
I sit next to Penelope and lean against her, her warmth seeping through to me. 
As I watch people pass by, she leans her head in my shoulder and begins to talk.

- We need to talk - Penelope says with a low voice.

- I'm listening - I say without many expectations.

- I'm sorry for this distant lately, a friend of mine is back in the city and... she has some problems - she says and sighs looking into my eyes.
Those lovely eyes.

- Don't worry, I understand your situation - I take your hand and caress it.

- Thank you - she smile and kiss my hand.

But it's not a sweet kiss like the others.
It's an agonizing kiss, I feel it.

- I think I've ever told you about lizzie, right? - she looks at me and I smile weakly.

-Yes, your best friend, right? Who lives in another city? - I look deep in her eyes trying to find a tip of something.

- She moved here a short time ago, she is very confused by the change - she laughs weakly.

- I understand, I hope she can adapt here - I caress her hand.

- Yes - She whispers and slowly pushes my hand.
She just let go of my hand.

There's a catch in my throat as I look at Penelope, trying to hide how upset I feel.
After everything we've been through, I can't believe she's suddenly pulling away from me like this.
Is it me? Have I done something wrong?

My mind keeps cycling back to the same thoughts, trying to find an answer.
But no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to figure it out.
What's wrong with her? What have I done to earn her distance?
Thoughts keep running through my head, and I feel my eyes burning with tears.
I try to hide them, but I feel like Penelope can see through me.

- Is it me? - I finally ask, trying to keep my voice steady.
But I feel like my voice betrays my emotions, and I'm on the verge of breaking down.

Penelope looks at me for a moment, her expression sympathetic but distant.
She sighs, seeming to carefully choose her words.

- It's not you. It's me - she says softly - I've been feeling different. I just don't feel like myself anymore. I can't explain it.

I let out a shaky breath, trying to gather myself.

- Does this have anything to do with us? Do you still want to be together? - i say and Penelope is silent for a moment, and all I can hear is the deafening beat of my heart in my ears.

I'm afraid of what she might say.
What if she doesn't want to be with me anymore?

Penelope finally speaks, her voice soft and sad.

- I don't know. Maybe. I'm just feeling so different now, like something's changed inside me and I can't put my finger on it. I still love you, but maybe we should take some time apart. I need to figure things out. - It completely broke my heart.

I feel my heart sinking with every word she says.
What is happening? This wasn't how I wanted this conversation to go.
I don't want to end things, not like this.
She's my soulmate and I don't want to lose her.

I take a deep breath but it only serves to heighten my emotions.

- So... are you saying you want to break up? - my voice starts to shake.
Penelope looks down, her expression sad and guilty.

- Yeah, I think we should - she says, her voice low and hesitant - At least for now. I just need to figure things out. I still love you, Hope, but right now I'm not in the right place to be in a relationship.

I feel my heart drop, my body filling with dread. She truly is saying goodbye. My breath catches in my throat and all I can manage is a choked whisper.

- Okay - i whispers.

- We should go -Penelope says softly - We can talk some more about everything later. For now, I just need some time to myself to sort this out.

I nod, feeling numb.
I want to protest, to argue that she can work it out with me together, but my words come out as a croak.
I stare down at the ground, my eyes burning with unshed tears.
I want to say something, I want to ask if there is anything I can do to change her mind, but my words are stuck in my throat.

Penelope nods, seeming to recognize my speechless state.
She offers one last, weak smile before getting up and walking away.
I watch her go, my body numb as I fight not to lose it.

Penelope walks away, leaving me sitting alone at the park bench.
My heart is pounding in my chest, my emotions out of control.
I try to take deep breaths, but it just reminds me how shaky my body is.
I sit there for a while, trying to process everything that happened.
But all my thoughts keep coming back to the same thing: She's gone. She said goodbye.
My body feels numb, my mind in a haze as I get up and begin to walk home.
My thoughts keep racing, trying to make sense of everything, but nothing seems to make sense.
I feel like the ground is unsteady under me, like anything could happen at any moment.
As I walk, I try to keep my pace slow and steady, but inside I am a swirling tornado of emotions.
I feel like I want to cry, to scream, to tear something apart.
But I don't want to attract attention to myself, so I push it all down.
I walk down the street, my head still spinning as I turn into my neighborhood. My mind keeps filling with memories of Penelope, the way she felt in my arms, how I always felt safe around her.
As I get closer to my house, I notice my new neighbor down the street, a blond woman walking her dog.

She hasn't seen me yet, and she seems lost in her own world as her dog sniffs at the ground.
I know I have to go home, but something in me makes me hesitate.
There's something about her that keeps me watching, her blonde hair shining in the sun and her face soft and welcoming.
I can't help but stare.

The woman finally looks up, and our eyes meet. I feel my breath catch in my throat, both of us stopping for a moment as we stare.
There's something warm and inviting about her expression, a sort of gentle softness that makes my heart flutter.

I'm still staring at her, and suddenly I realize how long it's been.
I've been watching her for too long, making it obvious that I was staring.
But it's too late to turn back now, so I smile nervously and wave.

The woman returns my smile with one that's equally nervous, and I feel my heart speed up. She gives a shy wave, and suddenly I feel like there's a sort of electricity between us.
She's so different than Penelope, but there's something almost comforting about her.

I walk the rest of the way to my apartment, taking one last glance at the blonde woman before walking inside.
As I lock the door behind me, the silence feels oppressive compared to the busy street outside.
I lean against the wall, my whole body exhausted, trying to calm my mind down.
A part of me just wants to lie down and fall asleep, but it's like my mind won't allow me to rest.
I keep thinking about Penelope, feeling my heart ache for what we used to have.
But there's something else nagging at me, something about the woman I saw outside.
I don't know what it is, but I keep thinking about her.

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