Charlie? what a cute name!

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Hope's POV

I groggily wake up, slowly opening my eyes to see light streaming in through the curtains, it is time to start the day.
i get out my bed and head into the bathroom, i look at myself in the mirror and sigh, another day, another boring day.
i wash my face preparing myself for the day, i think about the things i could do but nothing interests me, i'm not in the mood for a day filled with monotony as every day is the same, there is no adventure in my life.

As I step out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror, I wonder where the morning went already and if my breakfast would fit in my already-filled day.
I pick out some fresh clothes from my closet, deciding on a cozy, baggy t-shirt and sweatpants for the gym.
After hastily fixing my breakfast, I sit down at the table, eating my oatmeal and drinking my morning coffee.
I check the time.

- Damnit! I'm late! - I curse under my breath, and quickly grab my purse and keys, rushing out the door.

Before I even get in my car, I already feel anxious and overwhelmed by the day ahead. But I take a deep breath and try to compose myself.

-It's just another day - I tell myself - You can make it.

I start up my car and head out to the gym, trying to stay positive.
The traffic is heavy but I try to relax and drive slowly.
Finally, I make it to the gym and park in my usual spot.
Walking up to the front desk, I flash my membership card and enter the building.

As soon as I walk in, my eye catches the same blonde woman that I saw yesterday.
She is wearing a tight-fitting workout outfit and looks like she just came out of a magazine cover.
I am instantly captivated by her beauty and can't help but stare at her.
However, a sense of weirdness comes up within me as well, like I shouldn't be looking at her for too long.
I shake off the feeling and start to scan the room for a treadmill.

I find a treadmill near a wall and start to run. As I run, my eyes keep catching glimpses of the blonde woman working out on the next treadmill over.
She seems to have a flawless physique and moves with grace and elegance.
She is also wearing very tight clothing that accentuates her curves perfectly.
I feel a little envious but also intrigued at the same time.
Just looking at her makes me want to push myself harder on the treadmill.

After a while, I reach my limit and slow down the treadmill.
I take a deep breath and look up.
To my surprise, the blonde woman is looking back at me.
There is a moment of confusion but we exchange no words.
I just smile at her and she smiles back before continuing her workout.
I have this feeling that it was more than just a brief glance and it made my heart rate go up.
After finishing my run and washing up, I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I can't help but notice my cheeks are red and my breathing is still heavy.
I feel a little bit embarrassed but also intrigued by this blonde woman.
What is it about her that is making me feel this way? The blonde woman leaves the gym a few minutes later, and I can't help but watch her as she leaves.
I feel a little awkward and shy but also captivated by her presence.

As I watch the blonde woman walk out the door, my mind starts to wander.
I can't help but think about Penelope.
I have been trying to push her out of my mind ever since last night but her memory still lingers there deep inside me.
I feel a little bit guilty, wondering what she is doing now and if she is thinking about me as well.
I tell myself that I need to focus and stop letting my thoughts drift.
It is not doing me any good to dwell on the past.
Penelope is gone now and I need to move on. It is just very hard and part of me still wants her back in my life.
I start to feel overwhelmed at the thought of never seeing Penelope again and I let out a deep sigh.
I need to get back to reality.
As I leave the gym, I promise myself I will not let Penelope haunt my thoughts for the rest of the day.

I get back into my car and start my drive home. The morning rush hour is over and the traffic is moving pretty smoothly.
I feel a bit better now that I'm off the treadmill and away from the blonde woman.
My thoughts are starting to become a little more rational again.
I start to wonder what I should do for the rest of the day.
I could watch a movie, go shopping...

I'm just about to pull into my driveway when suddenly I feel a jolt, like I've hit something. Looking out my window, I see a golden retriever wagging its tail behind my car.
I get out of the car and hurry over to the dog, hoping that I haven't hurt him.
The dog looks up at me with its big brown eyes and licks my face.
I can't help but smile at the sight.
The golden retriever is uninjured and his owner comes rushing outside.

The blonde woman rushes out of the door and looks at her dog, who is still wagging his tail and licking my face.

- I'm so sorry - she says hastily - I thought I had him tied up securely, but he somehow got loose and ran out into the street. Are you okay?

I nod my head and feel a bit embarrassed to have been licked by the golden retriever.

- I'm fine - I assure her - Your dog is a sweetie. What's his name?

The blonde woman smiles and says:
- His name is Charlie. Aren't you a cutie, Charlie?"

I have to admit, her smile is very attractive and I can't help but feel a bit attracted to her.
I wonder if Charlie was really the one who got loose and ran into the street or if she just wanted an excuse to talk to me.

- Charlie? - I repeat, trying to make it sound like I am talking to the dog- What a cute name. He is such a good boy.

I look at the blond woman and feel an electric buzz in the air.
I wonder if she is also attracted to me.

- Thank you for your kindness toward Charlie - the blonde woman says - He gets very excited about new people and often escapes like this, but everyone is not so understanding as you are.

- Oh, I have a dog myself - I reply - I completely understand how it can be.

When I realize I haven't introduced myself, I gesture to myself.

- I'm Hope, by the way, what's your name?

She smiles at me and says with a slight blush:
- It's nice to meet you, Hope.
My name is Elizabeth, but you can just call me Lizzie, everyone else does - She has a cute way of speaking and I can't help but feel attracted to her.

- Nice to meet you too Lizzie - I say politely.

We stare at each other for a few moments in silence, and it feels like time is slowed down. She is very pretty and I can't help but fantasize about her a little.
I wonder what she thinks of me, or if she is even attracted to me.

- It was nice meeting you, Lizzie, but I should get going as well. I hope you and Charlie have a wonderful day - I say, smiling at Lizzie and reaching out to pet Charlie's head.
Lizzie smiles back at me and I start to head out. Unfortunately, I have to get going but I feel a sense of regret and sadness as I walk away.
I wish I could've stayed and talked to her more.

I get back to my apartment and can't help but feel a mixture of emotions as the day winds down.
On the one hand, I am relieved to finally be home and relaxing.
But I can't help but feel a little bit disappointed in myself for not staying and talking to Lizzie more.
It's like this day was just filled with weird coincidences and feelings that I can't quite explain.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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