chapter 35

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"Just stay still [Name]. I promise you it won't hurt at all," the demon informed, strapping your arms to the side with the thick leather straps that were attached to the table, a deranged smirk tugged at the male's lips before sweetly spilling words of lies in your ear. Though he knew that you, [Name] [Surname], will eventually fall to his complete control. And he'd rather keep it that way.
"This is what I wanted for you. To be stronger and to fight for yourself. You'll be just like your mother. I'm proud of you sweetie," the male cooed venomously while checking to see if your restraints were tight enough.
What a damned liar. Lies and vile intentions raged in the male's blood red eyes. Smiles of twisted deranged intentions. The damned bastard can just rot in hell for all you cared. Still you didn't even try to answer sick maniac who had just called you sweetie. Even if that monster claimed that he was proud of you. You knew that he wasn't. He was merely using you for his own benefits.
"Liar," you whispered, your face robbed of its emotions you had once held, your head slowly rolled to the side. The dark haired man simply stared at you and later shrugged at the single word that your lips had managed to breathe.

Masky yelled in rage as he lunged at Nere with his knife. The woman chuckled as she successfully dodged the attack, smirking at the male who was panting. Hoodie laid on the floor. A heavy hatchet painfully stuck in his chest, in which was robbing him of his life he held. His chest lifted and fell, struggling with the unwanted weight, all while coughing in the process. The male peeled off his mask before having to vomit the bitter fluid of blood. Beads of cold sweat fell from his forehead. His lips parted as he continued to wheeze and cough. The brunette breathed heavily whilst his creamy brown orbs gazed over at the screaming [h/c] haired girl, who rushed to be at his side. He watched as the female desperately approached him. Her feet pounded the blood stained floor creating small pounding noises. [Name]. The one girl that he learned to love. And afraid he was. He would never have the chance to confess to her. Another thought clouded the dying man's mind. He would never be able to see [Name] again.

You would have screamed and insulted the man who called himself your "father" but you just couldn't. You didn't know why. And you didn't even care at all. Your colorless eyes gazed over at the raven haired man, your lips slightly parted. Soft puffs of your breath was barely visible in the cold and demented atmosphere. Your chest lightly lifted then fell, indicating of you breathing. Your [h/c] sprawled messily at your shoulders. The room was barely lit with a single candle which was emitting an eerie golden color. A table was set in the center of the room, the same one which you were laying upon. You couldn't feel the faint beat of your heart in which, sadly, was losing its beat. You didn't know if you felt anything at all. Just numb. No feelings. Nothing. Just an empty hollow heart and mind. All you could hear was the desperate cries of the familiar males you had learned to love or so you had. And yet you didn't feel a thing upon hearing their voices.
"[Name] please don't let this happen to you"the voice called in distress, nearly cracking. Probably Jack.
A large metal door was gently swung open revealing a thin petite figure at the entrance. The female strolled in, her silver hair flowing behind her as she approached you. Her grey hoodie washed and clean. Two hatchets were visible at her side, each strapped with a leather belt and glistened with a golden color caused by the glowing candle. Truth be told, the woman felt no pain. Therefore she recovered faster than Zalgo's workers. Her footsteps grew louder as she came closer, signalling of her arrival. Her familiar blue eyes roamed the dark room. Until she saw your body being strapped to a table, rather tightly. The girl froze, her eyes wide. Her breathing hitched once a pair of lifeless grey eyes glared at her sapphire orbs; of those belonging to [Name].
"Nere," Zalgo greeted, wanting to shoo the girl away but decided against it. "Would you like to talk to [Name]?"
"Sure," the woman responded, cautiously walking to your side.
"I'll be back in a few minutes," Zalgo informed and proceeded to exit the room with a long and weary sigh.
Nere nodded, watching the demon close the door behind him, taking the psychotic aura with him. Silence lingered in the air as. Nere stretched her hand towards you, attempting to stroke your hair. You recoiled in disgust from her pale hand which was merely centimeters before you, hissing in the process. Your eyes narrowed at the shocked girl. Teeth gritting and hands balling to fists. So much for no emotions.
"Don't you dare touch me," you growled, eying the woman who shifted awkwardly from your gaze.
"I'm sorry," she apologized, her head hung. "I came here to let you know o-"
"Shut up and leave me be," you cut her off, growing impatient at her words.
"I'm sorry for everything I've done," Nere continued, ignoring your request. "I'm really sorry about your mother."
"What about her? She's dead already," you bluntly replied, rolling your eyes in the process.
"Your real mother [Name]," the woman confessed, her eyes burned from the tears that were never released.
"My real mother?" you asked, corking an eyebrow, taking a small interest towards her words.
"Yes [Name]. Her name was Angela. She was an angel. A kind woman of many good deeds. She was the same woman who saved me from the bitter world out there. She helped me. She was always there for me when I needed her." then female began to sob uncontrollably, barely breathing her next words. "And I just had to -hic- repay her by -hic- killing -hic- her -hic-."
Bitter silence replied to her. Not a single word was spoken from your lips. You were back to being the same emotionless girl you were a few moments ago. You simply stared at the ceiling, completely ignoring the sobbing female's cries.
'She killed my mother. She hurt my friends. She killed Hoodie. Hoodie. The man who saved me from my death. The one who was gentle with me. Who had patience with me. He tried helping me, by taking one her damned hatchets to his chest. Damn you Hoodie. Why didn't you let me die? You damned idiot. You wasted all that blood. The pain you went through. Just for me. Why? I don't even know if your alive. Just that smile you gave me. Was enough to set me to tears. Why?' you wondered, feeling your chest tighten. A sob gets caught in your fry throat. You inhaled sharply, feeling a burning sensation in your lungs.

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