chapter 40

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Choice: Touch the mirror
Warning: Slightly disturbing.
And for horrible writing skills as well.


"Tick tock. Time's running out," Zalgo pressured and released a demented giggle.
You stared the glowing mirror in which was now glowing a crimson red. Your hand hovered above the mirror, leaving a few centimeters between the gap. You knew you had to touch the mirror. You had to know what was in it. Or rather what is was going to show you. You felt cold icy fingers crawl along your neck, causing you to shiver beneath the ghostly touch. You could feel Zalgo's blood thirsty eyes burn holes in the back of your head. You could even dare to guess that he was wearing his usual deranged smirk. Time seemed to be rushing. You could feel a cold presence dawn above your frail body, in the verge of pushing you. Like a lion to a fragile rabbit you felt. Only you were the rabbit. A low growl captured your ears, sending cold shivers down your spine.
"Hurry [Name]. My patience is coming to it's limit," Zalgo drawled menacingly.
One, two, three.
'Here goes nothing,' you thought as your pressed your two hands over the cold glass surface of the mirror, praying silently that it would be all over soon. You shut your eyes tight until your eyelids felt numb.
One full solid second passed. A train of seconds passed and yet you were still over your position.
"It's n-not w-work-" you stuttered in fear yet your words were cut by high-pitched screams that were produced by your trembling mouth.
A pair of transparent ghostly hands laced their fingers around your wrists, pulling you closer to the cursed mirror. You struggled to stand and only then the hands drag you closer. A gasp escapes your pale lips, one of your feet step closer.
"Stop!" you screamed, tears were forming from your crimson orbs.
Zalgo finally stood behind you, pressing his hands on your waist, pushing you closer. His low chuckles reached your ears.
"You'll be fine sweetie." A horrible sugar-coated lie trapped you into a daze.
Darkness then consumed you and your pitiful whimpers.


"Looking for someone?" a feminine's voice called from behind.
It was oh so familiar.
BEN growled and stalked towards the petite figure, pixels flew in his hand and eventually formed into a sword.
"What the hell do you want woman?" he seethed with his low demonic voice, electricity cracked in his weapon.
"Hold on," Jeff stood from behind BEN, warily eying the silver haired woman before them. "Don't kill her yet."
"I appreciate the help Jeff. But I came here to help," Nere bluntly replied, setting a hand on her hip, staring at the two males with her stoic expression. They couldn't really believe for what she had said but at least they could listen to what she had to say.
"You're a fool to think that you can help," BEN snapped, fangs were bared, eyes were narrowed filled with different emotions.
"Listen. I may be able to help you find [Name]. You all have been looking in the wrong direction. I can help you find her," Nere calmly replied, unfazed by the growling sounds coming from BEN's pale lips.
"How can we be so sure that you're not tricking us," Jeff responded, suspicion was clearly etching into his voice, his hand mindlessly slipped into his pocket and retrieved his knife.
"Jeff we can't trust her not after what she did," BEN growled, narrowing his dark orbs at the male who stood beside him.
Nere trembled, her eyes widened at BEN's words. She truly did not intend to hurt the male let alone kill him. But with her unstable mind she wasn't able to control herself in time. Her rough actions led to [Name]'s grief. Clearly she wanted nothing to with [Name]'s grief. She hung her head in remorse and tears flooded her vision. No. She couldn't be weak. She couldn't afford to be weak. She had to be strong. For [Name].
"I wasn't able to control myself. And for that I'm sorry. I'm afraid that there might not be a single thing I can do to repay for my foolish actions. But I cannot stand there helpless and watch [Name] complete the final stages of her transformation. She is dangerously close to the final stage." Nere held a determined look and pointed the males, slightly surprised that she was able to maintain her composed position.
"That is why I promised myself that I would help her prevent this in any way I can. And for that I need to take you to her. Destroy the link to her insanity before it activates."
"Her link to insanity?" Jeff wondered and lost himself to his thoughts, lowering his knife a bit.
"Yes. Her link to insanity. Once she passes through the mirror. A small gem will be given to her in form of a necklace. She will be given that necklace and once it starts to glow. It will too late for her to return as the [Name] that we all know." Nere explained, wincing at the sudden impact of her words.
"So if we don't destroy that gem before it glows then [Name] will no longer be how she was?" BEN asked, dropping his sword, confusion coated his words.
"Yes and only then. She will kill all of you. And perhaps she might even kill me. Under Zalgo's orders," Nere replied in a hushed voice, in which was ready to crack within each word she spoke, a single crystal tear slipped from her blue orbs.
"How do we know that you're not lying to us?" Jeff stalked towards her, swiftly grabbing her wrists and slammed her to tree, causing her to grunt at the force bestowed upon her. His dark ominous orbs locked with her blue hues. "You really expect us to believe you?"
The mentioned female glared at the deranged teen.
"Do you really think I would lie?! You sick bastard. I'm only doing this for [Name]'s sake. If it was another person I wouldn't even bother to even tell you. Hell I would gladly kill all of you mercilessly. I care not of any other person but of the girl named [Name]," Nere snarled with her venomous voice. "Remember that I'm doing this for [Name]."
"That sounds very nice," Jeff mocked with his taunting voice. "If it wasn't such a horrible lie."
"Mark my words. The day I betray you and her will be the same day that your blade ends my life. If I ever come close into betraying her then you will kill me without any other thoughts."
Nere's words surprised both BEN and Jeff. Silence lingered in the heavy atmosphere of tension.
"Jeff let go of her. She's the only person that can help us. And it's not like we have any other option to help [Name]," BEN spoke as sinister shadows covered his eyes.
Jeff reluctantly released Nere from his iron grip, glaring at her with his dark possessed orbs.
"Hurry up and take us to her," Jeff hissed.
Nere rolled her eyes, "Will do."EYELESS JACK'S POINT OF VIEW

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