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Jazz Music brings us close...

Abby unbuttoned each button of her blouse, standing in a room full of guys with no sign of being phased. The very first time she did this, she looked among the other girls who had to do the same, feeling uncomfortable. But as the fifth time rolled around, it got less awkward, and she no longer cared about who saw her boobs in her padded bra.

When Abby found out what kind of job Bianca had gotten, she was confused. In comparison, the things they did didn't match the price they were getting paid.

Abby stole a couple watches, ran up a few bills, and served drugs under a napkin when waiting tables, but even then, she had only gotten paid a couple hundred dollars for it. When they finally trusted her, they made her slip some drug into this guy's drink to get him woozy.

That was worth real money. But even after getting handed a little over a thousand, she didn't feel good about drugging someone.

She watched as two girls carried the man out through the back of the club and brought him to this car. She followed like an idiot and witnessed them putting the man in the backseat before another girl got in the front seat.

When she later asked questions about it, no one was talking, but one drunk girl from that night slipped up and said that the man they drugged was this billionaire's son. They were basically getting the money he owed, and Abby now understood why she was messing with the guy's drink. They were heading to his penthouse to steal a whole bunch of stuff from him, with a soldier heading over there to pay the man behind the desk to get rid of all evidence of them being there.

So, knowing that Bianca was able to get paid more than her when all she had to do was sit next to a guy and steal his burner, and then pick up a package, she was puzzled. With her lack of understanding, she also grew upset because Bianca ain't even do shit and she was paid nicely.

She was starting to view Bianca as a woman who was getting the easy way out, and when she discovered that Alvaro personally picked up the package, it made sense. Alvaro wanted Bianca because if he hadn't, Bianca would've been doing serious dirty jobs like her, and Alvaro wouldn't be showing up at her door for a package when he had men of his own to do it.

"It's done," Abby said as she pulled open her shirt and put her hands on her hips, revealing the money tapped into her body.

Bobby nodded, "okay. Put the money over there, and then you can go," he said while pointing to the desk.

Abby sighed and made her way over to the wooden desk as the other girls finally got their shirts open.

The air in the room was filled with smoke, but she had gotten used to it by now. She had sadly also gotten used to the guys making comments about her body, making it clear that they enjoyed the small show she gave when showing the money she got through for them.

"Aye," Moe called out as he got up from the couch.

Abby knew he was talking to her because most of these guys seemed to respect their friends more than women. If Moe was calling for Bobby, he'd call him by his name. But for Abby and any other women, it was 'aye,' 'you,' or catching the sound of them snapping at them.

"Yeah?" Abby looked over at him as she started removing money from her body. She took her time so the tape would rip off her skin and pull the hairs.

"What's up with ya friend?" Moe questions, standing beside her now.

Abby knitted her brows, "who?"

"The real pretty one," Moe said, snapping his finger like he had forgotten her name and was trying to remember it, "Bianca."

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