Pre-Show Jitters

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Veneers Pov:

"Velvet!!" I just woke up and went to the bathroom to do my hair, BUT MY GEL WAS MISSING. "WHATTTT" Velvet stormed into my room, her hair down in her robe with a "V" on it "Do you happen to know where my hair gel is?" I looked at her with a sassy look on my face "Yeah, I used it its in my bathroom" This bitch- "Well can you get it for me?" " Just ask Crimp that's why shes not out on the streets "CRIMP GET ME MY HAIR GEL FROM VELVET'S BATHROOM" While I was waiting for her to get it I changed into different clothes. "Here you go sir" Crimp handed me the half empty jar or hair gel "Thanks now shoo"

Velvet's POV:

    I walked back into my room and put my hair up into a high ponytail, sometimes I just wanna chop off my hair because it's way too long, then I got changed into my iconic golden outfit. Today me and Veneer have a show and tomorrow a interview with a guy named "Kid-Ritz" He's supposed to be famous and the same age as Veneer.

    I walked out of my room to see Veneer making breakfast while also on a business call. I knew what it was about, instead of giving us 10 thousand for our last show they only gave us half, honestly since we already have a lot of money its no biggie but cutting us 5 thousand is insane. "Vel can you take over breakfast I have to handle this." Veneer covered the speaker of his phone while kind of whispering to me "Yeah, no biggie" He walked out of the room yelling at whoever was on the other line. I loved cooking and so did Veneer, although he was better at it, I still enjoyed it. I finished making the pancakes and bacon when Veneer walked out of his room with an annoyed look on his face "Good news, They are giving us the other 5 thousand each, bad news the lady was a bitch and I lost it on her" He said "I could here you from the kitchen, you sound hungry" I said as I placed a plate of food in front of him.

Veneer's POV:

TW: Mention of ED (Eating disorder)

    I barley touched my food, Velvet and my parents still worry about me because I have ED and I'm really skinny and supposedly 10 pounds underweight, It really pays off though, you know fitting into all the outfits for the concerts and stuff. "Veneer you need to eat we have a show tonight, you know what happened last time." (ITS OVER NOW)  Velvet said with a stern tone and expression "I know. I will." I started to take small bites and it was really good, I love Velvet's cooking. "I wrote a couple more solo's, I cant wait to sing them" I smiled while looking at my plate "That's good, I'll write down the routine, but we have to go in like 30 minutes so get your purse I'll start the car." Velvet said while collecting our plates

   I went to the bathroom and fixed my lipstick and put it in my purse, I walked out of the house and got in the car, "Ready?" Velvet asked "Yep!" I said with a smile. When we got there I stepped out of the car and onto the covered walkway clear of paparazzi, I went into the dressing room and the girls handed me an outfit, similar to the one I was wearing just a shorter shirt. 

                                                                [ 10 minutes before showtime] 

Velvet's POV:

"Okay so we both go out and sing Watch Me Work, then you go backstage and I'll sing Literal Legend and you come back out and sing your solo, what was it again... Right,  King For A Day, I think our fans will be surprised because we don't usually sing Rock, I hope its good because I haven't heard it yet, and then we end with Where U at." I said quickly "Yeah, Um..... Yeah!" Veneer said sounding nervous, he obviously had the pre-show jitters, he always did "Veneer you're going to do great" I said reassuring him "Thanks sis" He said smiling  "10 seconds!" a guy said. 

                                                                          [The show Starts]

[sorry for this chapter being so short 724 Words]

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