A Star is Born Pt 1

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As she was being dragged by the collar of her shirt, Josie was watching as Chaos erupted around her.

New York was in flames as demi-gods and titans fought amongst the wintery streets. Monsters were attacking citizens and breaking storefronts, causing any kind of destruction they could.

Katherine was clearly beside herself as she patted herself on the back, the eighteen years she has had to wait was now paying off.

Josie felt horrible as they ascended into the sky, the guilt was eating her alive.

She knew it was going to be ten times worse once they reached Olympus.

Everything she has done to prepare for this moment all these years was going to give her the courage to do what was right once they arrived.

The brunette just hoped that the Mikaelson's were prepared and got Penelope's message.

The raven-haired woman never did confirm whether or not she passed it along, so the twin was unsure of how everything was going to go down.

Surely she was going to reap what she sowed.

Honestly, she didn't care what happened to her now. The only way Hope was going to save everyone is if she got hurt...Hades would have to honor her side of the deal...this was the plan all along.

Once she was face to face with Zues, she was hoping to try and convince him to overthrow Katherine.

Her only issue was standing next to her, she had to wait for the perfect opportunity to get rid of Malivore.

Once the carriage landed on the balcony the trio was met with a jolt of electricity which caused them to be thrown from within.

Josie landed about fifty feet from her companions but the moment she tried to get up, there was a foot holding her down.

"I've got this one, brother. You deal with the bitch!" A feminine voice came.

She immediately wrapped a hand around the perpetrators ankle and started to siphon slowly.

The pressure was immediately released and the brunette scurried to run but was immediately halted by an arrow catching her shirt, forcing her into the nearest tree.

"Klaus! This must be the Gemini Siphoner. We must kill her now!" Said the beautiful blonde Goddess.

"NO, Rebekah! Focus on him!" He growled towards his sister.

Josie immediately siphoned the magic from the arrow and tried to stop her, but she was a second too late.

The blonde disintegrated into the glowing black goo encasing Malivore's body.

"She shouldn't have done that," Ryan said with a mischievous grin.

"Josie, siphon Klaus! Quick!" Katherine choked out beneath the God's grip.

"No! I won't do your bidding anymore! I won't hurt Hope's family." She screamed as she immediately started to siphon from Ryan.

As she did, he wasn't going without a fight.

It felt like every atom in her body was being dissected into a million tiny pieces. The brunette was afraid.

Not for her life but afraid of failing. Everything was counting on her making it past this point.

She reminded herself of why she was here in the first place...the hopes of seeing her family again, of seeing Hope again, and living her life for herself as she pleased, finally free.

It was this thought alone that allowed her to siphon from the man in front of her harder than she had ever before,turning him into the black liquid he liked to threaten everyone's lives with.

Josie felt an enormous amount of power flowing through her veins, it felt dangerous...dark even.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?! YOU SELFISH BRAT!!" Exclaimed Katherine before pushing herself free from Klaus's grasp and throwing herself at the now dark pit on the ground.

"What needed to be done," said Josie in a trance-like state. "A war between the God's would serve nobody but themselves, getting rid of Ryan was a necessary evil to make sure you don't succeed."

Katherine was enraged and the fire physically spread throughout her entire body, building quickly and dangerously.

"When I originally attempted to steal and kill the youngest Mikaelson and failed, I didn't give up. I didn't wait eighteen fucking years for a lovesick siphoner brat to get in my way of ruling Olympus!" She screamed before grabbing Josie by the throat and throwing her over the ledge of the balcony.

Josie tried to grab onto the ledge but it was too late.

The minute Josie went flying she knew this was the moment she was going to die and accepted it, knowing she would fulfill her purpose.

Both Hope and Lizzie would now be safe.

After everything she has done in her life, she deserved this. A true sacrifice for the greater good, hopefully this one act would make up for all the lives she had ruined at Katherine's expense.

She kept falling, and falling, and falling, until she wasn't.

That's when she noticed she was in the arms of Hope Mikaelson, ascending higher into the clouds.

They were on some sort of horse with wings, thunder and lightning all around them.

By the time they reached the balcony again, they could see and hear the God's fighting each other.

As soon as their feet hit the ground it was enough of a distraction for Klaus to get the upper hand, he zapped her with a lightning bolt...sending her across the courtyard.

When Hades looked up and saw Hope standing in front of her, she was in disbelief.

"WHY THE HELL WON'T YOU JUST DIE?!?" She groaned, pushing herself off the ground.

The God of the Underworld then used the remnants of Malivore to create a molten casing around Klaus, so he was stuck in place.

"I keep asking myself the same question, and I couldn't even begin to answer it myself. Touch another person I love, and you will be the one paying for it! I'm sick of the lying and the manipulation, I'm sick of my fate being dictated to me, and most of all I'm sick of you!" The auburnette spewed.

The darker haired woman then combust into flames and redirected it towards the demi-god.

Josie saw it before it happened, and the next thing she knew, she pushed Hope out of the way and then hit something hard...that's when her vision started fading.

When she looked down, there was a tree branch that had impaled her torso and she was bleeding out.

"JOSIE, NO!!!" Hope screamed!

All she could focus on was the way Hope started to glow as she ran over to her and tried to stop the bleeding, but it was futile.

"Shhhh, Jo, everything is gonna be okay," the youngest Mikaelson said with tears rolling down her face. "Jo, why? Why did you do it?!"

"Because, a true hero sacrifices themselves for the greater good. You needed your powers back, and this was the loophole. People tend to do crazy things when they are in love," she breathed out. "Now go and don't let my sacrifice be in vain...the people need y-..."

The twin could distinctly hear Hades' voice in the background but couldn't make anything out before everything completely faded to darkness.

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