❥ 𝓸𝓷𝓮 : son of a gun

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♡゚・。。・゚♡゚・。♥。・゚♥ 𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆: 𝒊 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ♥゚・。♥。・゚♡゚・。。・゚♡

"CHARLES", she yelled, running after that son of a gun.

"CHARLES MARC TOO LONG OF A NAME LECLERC GET BACK HERE AND GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK", Maya continued, running up the stairs and into the room.

"NO not until you say yes to coming to one of my races", the monegasque said sternly, holding her phone above his head. If it weren't for the fact that she was 5"4 and he was 5"9, she would've easily gotten her phone back.

"Charles we've been through this, I'm busy", she sighed. "I got a lot of.. work to complete", she added. "How have you been busy for the last 3 years?", he folded his arms, raising his eyebrows. 

Her phone had now reached her eye level so she quickly snatched it back from him. "Ha! You know for an f1 driver, you sure need to work on your reflexes", she smirked.

He gave her a disappointed look. "Stop changing the topic Maya. I need to know why you've been avoiding coming to my races. Is there a problem? Am I the problem?", he thought out loud. 

"No no you're not the problem. There is no problem. Like I said I'm genuinely busy", she lied. Guilt settled in her chest and she felt like a horrible person, but she just couldn't.

Charles and Maya have been best friends for almost 10 years now. She had moved from Bristol to Monaco when her dad got a better job offer and just so happened to be his neighbour. A few weeks after moving in, the Walker family ran out of sugar and desperately needed some to finish the delicious Nutella pancakes her dad was making and so she was sent to go ask their neighbour.

What her 14 year old brain didn't expect to see when the door opened was a similar aged boy, hair styled like Justin Bieber, wearing some denim shorts and a red shirt, that she then later found out to be his dream f1 team, with a smile casually plastered on his face. He gave her some sugar, she offered him a few pancakes and that's how their little friendship grew.

She used to attend his races. She loved cheering for her best friend. But all that soon came crashing down when he came into the picture. She slowly avoided attending races which led to the possibility of bumping into him. She told Charles to not post much of her on social media because she didn't want to have any fame but in reality it was more to reduce the chances of him seeing her. Most importantly she didn't want him to see her because he might've forgotten and moved on but she surely hasn't. So staying hidden might be the best solution, she thought. But with Charles nagging her week after week to join him at one of his races, it's getting harder to stay hidden.

"Uh hello? Earth to Maya?", Charles waved his hand in front of her face. "Sorry what were you saying?", she apologised. 

"I was saying what if I talk to your boss? You said he was an f1 fan no? I'll use my charm and sweet talk him into giving you some time off", he chimed.

"Uh no you won't! Your charm might have worked on Alex but I can guarantee you it isn't going to work on Mark. He's the biggest pain and will probably fire me for bribery or something", she rolled her eyes.

"Come on Maya pleaseeeee! Please please please", he kept going. "The puppy eyes don't work on me, you know this", she folded her arms. But he just kept going and he did so for at least another 30 seconds.

"Okay okay okay shut up. If you shut up I'll think about it", she demanded. Immediately he got quiet, looking at her with eager eyes. She sighed, she had to go. She will just do her absolute best to avoid him at any cost.

"Fine what's the next race", she gave in. "Oh my god oh my god YES thank you Maya", he jumped up and tackled her into a hug. A smile inevitably appeared on her face. "Okay get off me now idiot", she shrugged him off.

"The next race, to your benefit, is actually here. It's the Monaco Grand Prix. And Alex will be making her first ever public appearance so it will be nice if you're there, help her ease into everything you know?", he said walking back down the stairs as she followed him.

"Oh yay Alex is coming! At least I'll have company when you abandon me for half the weekend", she joked, sitting on the couch. 

"Oh I'm sorry I have a car to drive and race to win", he remarked sarcastically.

"Please- watch Max win by a 30 second margin like he has been doing all year", she predicted. It was all jokes of course, she obviously wanted Charles to win. But it's been a running joke between the two best friends. She loves to praise Max in front of him and have been doing so ever since 'the inchident' just to see Charles annoyed. 

"Okay fuck you", he flipped her off. She smiled, satisfied that she pissed him off, before walking up to her room. "I'll be in my room getting some work done. Don't burn the house down by trying to cook dinner. I'll make something in an hour or so", she called out walking back up the stairs.

Charles and her have been roommates ever since she left home. Both their families are merely 10 minutes away so many would say there was really no need to live on their own but they both like to be independent and didn't want to depend on their parents too much. It also just made sense for them to be roommates. He needed someone to look after the place since he's travelling for majority of the year. She needed a place to stay.

And they are very well aware of how this looks. It even started dating rumours when the news got out to the media but they see each other as nothing more than siblings. "You are like the daughter I've never had but always wanted", Pascale would often say. 

They did try dating, way back when they were just teenagers, but it never worked out and they figured they were better off as friends. And she could not be more grateful that his girlfriends have actually understood this.

As she sat at her desk, she brought out her laptop and started checking some work emails. Thankfully, a month or so after graduating, she found a job at this small law firm. This is definitely not where she plans on settling but it's perfect to get some experience before she can apply to some bigger law firms.

What bothered her now was the fact that she kept getting distracted. Maya is an over thinker by birth and she is quite used to her brain running through scenarios at 100 miles per hour but that doesn't mean she likes it. And she hated this even more because she knew overthinking this specific event wasn't going to get her anywhere.

She hated that she wasn't getting any work done. She hated that this was all because of one singular person who probably doesn't even remember her anymore. Most importantly, she hated that this person still had such a chokehold on her after more than a decade. But alas, it is what it is. She had no solution to this episode of overthinking so she decided to just wait it out. They do say, 'you never truly get over your first love'. Maybe they weren't wrong.  


sack speaks: 

i shall now be calling my a/n as 'sack speaks' because why not

also YES this story is indeed about lando, i promise i know what I'm doing! 

Not that anyone asked but i literally LOVE the name Maya like low-key wish i was named that so don't be surprised if all my stories have OCs named Maya😅

anyways so Maya is an over thinker(been there done that) and she is also the biggest hopeless romantic out there(is this fucking play about me?) but what do you think happened with her childhood sweetheart that she's soo scared to meet him again? did anything even happen? 

well you can think about all the possible things that could've happened while waiting for me to upload the next chapter(i technically have it written so I could upload it like now but I won't just because I want to see how the first chapter does, sorry😙)

𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼, lando norrisWhere stories live. Discover now