🍭Sweets🍭 ~ Gojo Satoru

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Warnings: Gojo's terrible flirting skills
Gojo X oc character (this was requested I may write another version with Y/n!)

Third Person

Gojo Satoru was a man of many talents. Flirting however was not one of them. He was quickly beginning to realize this. He first saw you when he tried your parents bakery for the first time. You were working the front of the store. He knew when he laid his eyes on you that he was gonna try his hardest to get you to agree to a date with him.

It wasn't going in his favor though leading to him pouting to Nanami complaining about how he knows he's irresistible. He couldn't figure out why you brushed off his flirting every-time he visits the shop. However what he doesn't know is that you freeze up every-time he flirts with you. Sure his pick up lines are terrible, but my god the man was beautiful. Obviously you would get choked up and not be able to respond to the flirting.

First Person
I glance up at the door as I hear the bell ring signaling a customer has walked in. I instantly flush upon making eye contact with the blue eyed man. I look down quickly mumbling out a hello.

"Well hello Amaya-Chan!" His silky smooth voice allowing my name to run flawlessly off his tongue. I grin while keeping my gaze down.

"Hello Gojo-kun. What can I get for you today?"

"Hmmm." He pretends to be pondering on it as he rest his fingers on his chin as if he's deep in thought. I bite my lip trying prepare myself for whatever flirt he's gonna throw my way this time.

"How about something as sweet as you?" He asks smiling with his eyes fluttered close. I blush as I begin thinking of what to prepare for him.

"How about a slice of our chocolate covered strawberry cake Gojo-kun?" I question while peering up at the man who looked down at the cake.

"I don't know Amaya-Chan..." he trails off as I frown looking down. Of course I suggested something so basic.

"I don't think it's anywhere near as sweet as you." He finishes grinning. I giggle softly making eye contact as he reaches across the counter brushing a strand of hair away from my face.

"You'd be surprised Gojo-kun." I hum as he gives me another cheeky smile. I can feel my heart trying to beat out of my chest. This man was gonna kill me.

"How about a slice of the chocolate covered strawberry cake and a date with you?" He suggest. I feel my heart skip a beat. This is definitely how I die. It was so very nice to go out this way.

I zone back in realizing he was still waiting for an answer. I laugh quietly to myself and I lean forward.

"Of course Gojo-kun. I'd love to go on a date with you." I smile gently at him. I bite back another laugh as I watch him open and close his mouth like a fish a couple of times.

"Seriously?" He ask eyes shining with excitement. I nod as I'm getting his wide variety of desserts into containers to bag up.

"Wait Amaya-Chan I only asked for the ca-" I cut him off by pushing the bag filled with desserts towards him.

"It's on the house Gojo-kun. My number is written on top of one of the containers. Message me whenever you're ready for that date."  Gojo grins as he leans over the counter and kisses my cheek leaving me flabbergasted.

"Have a wonderful day sweetheart. I'll text you tonight to plan that date." With that he walks out leaving me a blushing mess cupping my cheek. If I would've know he would pull such a grand gesture over that I would've given him sweets a long time ago.

An:hi hi hi Author-Chan here like always! Wanna know a secret? C'mere.... There was a guy that went to my high school that looked like Gojo, but with black hair. So sad I graduated before the anime was released. Don't get me wrong I love the manga, but man oh man the boys in the anime are just too pretty.

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