🔊Say My Name🔊~ Inumaki Toge

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A request from my dear friend she absolutely loves Inumaki (understandably)🫶🏼

Long chapter, Fem reader X Inumaki , Smut, controlled actions(consensual of course) , begging, daddy kink , slight praise kink, unprotected sex.

Third Person


Y/n controls the urge to punch the blonde boy sitting next to her as she tries to keep up a conversation with Maki and Panda. The group sat at the table in the dining area sharing a meal before they each head to their own dorms.

However Toge had gotten bored waiting for Y/n to show him some attention. Which is what led to his hand massaging her upper thigh gently at first gradually getting more rough. Y/n spares him a glance as he squeezes her thigh. Kneading the skin with his soft hands. Only to see that he's staring straight ahead now conversing with Panda.

"So Y/n got any plans for this weekend?" Maki asks the
girl as she struggles to gain her composure.

"Uh n-" she starts only to be cut off by Toge.

"Salmon!" He exclaims nodding.

"We have plans?" Y/n asks confused as they hadn't mentioned anything prior.

"Salmon." Toge says as he grazes his hand over her heat trying to show the girl what he meant.

"Oh, I totally forgot I'm sorry Toge." Y/n says pretending to remember their 'plans'.

"Well maybe we can make plans for before or after yours." Maki says bringing her chopsticks to her mouth.

"Definitely! Could we go look at that new store that opened in the shopping center?" Y/n says glancing at Toge to make sure he wasn't going to object.

"Sure. What time are you guys going out?" Maki asks.

"Probably later in the day! We could go after school tomorrow though so we can have more time." Y/n says as maki nods. Y/n grins taking a bite of her own food. Only to slightly choke as Toge brushes against her yet again.

"You okay Y/n?" Panda asks now looking at the red faced girl.

"Mustard leaf?" Toge asks as well playing dumb.

Y/n only nods her head before quickly finishing her meal. She tells maki she'll text her more about their plans. She hurries to stand up as Toge's hand falls from her lap. She throws up a peace sign before walking out heading straight to her dorm.

Y/n text maki about their plans before she hops in the shower and begins washing her hair. Afterwards she shaves before using her f/b/w (favorite body wash). She hops out of the shower and brushes through her hair. Wrapping it up into a towel as she dries her body off. Walking into her room she sees Toge sitting on the edge of the bed changed into a tshirt and sweatpants she smiles at him. She walks over to her closet as she pulls out a big t-shirt and a pair of underwear. Slipping them on she walks over to toge standing in between his legs he quickly wraps his arms around her squeezing her thighs in his hands gently.

"I love you." Y/n says pulling away from him as she goes to her side of the bed getting ready to lay down. He carefully speaks back "I love you too." Y/n grins as she leans forward pulling him down onto the bed.Kissing him softly as she mutters a goodnight. Only to receive a forehead kiss in return as Toge gets up and turns off the light. He makes his way back over to the bed pulling his shirt off folding it and laying it on her nightstand.

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