An introduction to the world

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Welcome to Thaerimnyer! (Pronounced they-rim-near) a world parallel to our own.
I'm this chapter I will explain the basics such as currency and religion as well as mythology. I hope you enjoy your travel into Thaerimnyer.

1. Currency.
In Thaerimnyer, our currency is called "Kryim" it is like the US dollar. But instead of coins such as nickels or loonies, they just say "one fourth Kryim" or "one half Kryim" but these are rarely used. Instead the people of Thaerimnyer much prefer to trade and barter for their items as it is far more sustainable. The highest currency one can use is books. (See 5 -6 on this page for more detail.)

2. Gods.
The Thaerimnyer people have three main religions. The first is penectarism, the second is jacirism, and the third is hollowaism. Each religion has more than one god, except for jacirism, they follow the teachings of one god and don't believe in more. But in his section I'm just gonna name the most important god from each religion
Penectarism follows the teachings of Ermis. The god of humanity.
Jacirism believes in Tethys. The god of Kyrim and trade.
Hollowaism resides in Enceladus. The god of the craft.

3. Mythology
Thousands and thousands of years ago, in Thaerimnyer. It was believed that many of the people believed in the Norse and Greek mythology of our world. Having found old stone tablets with writing on it, this writing translated into the story of Zeus and his siblings. More statues were found and each one represented a different Norse god, Thor, Heimdoll, Odin, Loki, Frey, Freya, Frig, etcetera etcetera. An old temple in the south end of the town Maxwrittem had allegedly held sermons of the Greek and Norse gods. But this is all the proof we have.

4. Celestial Beings
In Thaerimnyer, a "celestial being" was someone who was believed to have been sent from the gods themself to bless the land. I'm going to list off people who are considered "Celestial"
And Librarians.
I know that last one may seem really odd, but I'll explain soon. See 5-6 on this page for more detail.

5. Magic And Education
Education is rare in Thaerimnyer. Very few people know how to read, but it doesn't mean their that "rare" either. About one in thirty five people can read. It is not just because the king of Thaerimnyer is greedy and doesn't want to pay the money to get education distributed evenly, but is also because of books. That's right, you read that correctly, books. Books in this world, are our power source. Magic resides in every word on every page. Anyone who reads a book will gain a little bit of power, it may not be a lot but that depends on the type of book you read, and how long it is. Each book will give you something different. Reading a cookbooks will not give you the same type of energy as reading a science fiction. This makes it a very dangerous world if just anyone can pick up a book and become the worlds most powerful person, so only a few select people are taught to read. This is to keep the world safe from the wrong hands.

6. Librarians.
Librarians are selected by the king at birth. Every city, small or big, in Thaerimnyer has a library, even the outskirts of the kingdom where very few people can read. And every city has a librarian (the richer cities can have up to ten.) the king makes sure that after a librarian passes he selects a child, preferably of he same family, to be the next librarian. Once you've been selected to be a librarian, you have all up until sixteen to work on making your library, once you are sixteen you get to open your library for the first time, now unlike libraries and bookstores in our world, Thaerimnyer merges the library and bookstore into one, you see, it costs a fee to read a book, it costs a much higher fee to take it home. Very, very, few people own a book, if they have one in their house it means they are renting it. It costs almost millions to buy a book to be yours to keep, so most just settle with renting it or just reading it. Librarian families are considered pure of blood and even purer of heart. They say those whom marry a librarian will spend the rest of their life in happiness, because each librarian has a very clear set of attributes and traits that makes it easier to find someone who matches you perfectly. Even if a librarian doesn't like you back, they will always find a way to let you down slowly and of course with a huge basket of treats, it's a custom. Most librarian families pass down a single library for generations til it needs to be repaired. Most libraries are either old mansions or empty castles. But no matter where you are, every single room in a library has a purpose and no matter what it will do it's best to serve it.

7. Authors.
Authors in this world are either really rich nobles or outsiders to the kingdom of Thaerimnyer. The outsiders books are usually much better quality as they make each one by hand by the author of the book and instead of having something like a typewriter to write each page, it's all handwritten. Meaning if you wanted to buy a book from an outsider, it would cost more than sixteen million Kyrim. On the contrary, there's the nobles books. These books are lower quality works but still powerful nonetheless. The nobles have access to workers and typewriters making it easy to create books compared to the hard labor each outside author has to go through to make one book. There is at minimum two authors per city, no matter what. Authors are not chosen by the king, but by the queen instead. each aspiring author must write a short story for the queen and she will read it, her favorite story writers will become authors. So every year the "Authors Test" held at the central kingdom, anyone who can write is allowed in to try out. In these forms of the test, the queen has her children and/or royal servants read each story and rank them. After that, some authors would be sent home with a seal of denial and the ones who passed will get assigned to a city. That's how authors are chosen.

Join us in the next part where we explore the map of the kingdom and we explain each city!

Hey! Author here. Just wanted to check in and make sure that you are all enjoying the idea of this story. I am so sorry for discontinuing my haikyu! Fanfic but I just didn't have passion for the project anymore. Can't wait to see you all in the next part! Author out. :P

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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