The Boys Are Adopting?!

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I was just casually walking down the streets of London when I looked up and noticed a big home with a huge front yard that was tainted with tricycles and childrens toys. I was admiring the house and wondering if i could ever have that with Eleanor when I looked slightly to the left of the house.

It was London's Home for Girls. In one of the windows I could see a girl about 14 or 15 sitting in the window sill writing in what looked like a diary. She was beautiful!

She had long flowy, like blondish brown hair and from where I was standing, peircing blue eyes, LIKE NIALL! Sad place really, all the girls there were sent there because their parents died or something very tragic happened to them, or both.

I suddenly had an amazing idea. I could adopt her! She doesn't look like the type of girl to cause trouble, and it would be nice to have another girl around. Yes, I Louis Tomlinson would like to have another GIRL around.

The guys are great but I feel like we need another girls besides El, Dani, and Perrie considering they can't spend all day everyday with us because of their jobs. Plus, if we go on tour we will need a girl to be there.

It's settled. I'm adopting that girl.

I quickly whipped out my phone and called Liam. "Mate? Yea, it's Louis. No Liam I'm fine. Yes I'm sure I'm not lost again. I want you to meet me, with the boys, outside of London's Home for Girls. Yea. K. Hurry though. I have some important news." With that I hung up.

The boys arrived about ten minutes after the call and Liam jumped out of the van and said, "Sorry Lou, we would've been here sooner but Zayn had to do his hair. For the fifth time today." "Hey! Don't judge me! I had to perfect the quiff." Zayn quickly retorted.

"Whatever Zayn, so what was it you wanted to see us here for BooBear?" Harry asked. "Well boys, as you know, El, Dani, and Perrie can't come on tour with us and we all we will be lonely and out of order without a girl there with us," I paused for dramatic effect, "I thought we could adopt a lttle girl."

There was a chorus of, "YAYS!!" from Niall, Harry, and Zayn but Liam looked like he was processing it a it before replying.

"And what made you think of this?" He asked. "Well I was admiring the big house next to the orphanage when I looked over. I saw the orphanage and I also saw a girl that looked about 14 or 15 sitting in the wondow sill. She looked so sad and she was writing in what looked lke a diary, and I had the idea to adopt her. Then I realized how good of an idea it accually would be." I explained.

Liam truned his frown upside down and said, "Louis, this might be your best idea yet!" I felt so proud that he accually agreed with one of my plans. "YAY!!" We all screamed, except for Liam, he was busy laughing at our excitement.

"Can we get some Nandos afterwards?" Niall screamed, excitedly.

"Niall I think we should let the girl decide. Considering she will be my new daughter." I said, making Liam look at me in confusion. "Your new daughter?" He asked , emphasising the word your. "Well yea. I thought since I came up with the idea and since I'm the oldest, I would adopt her under my name."

Harry looked at Liam and said, "BooBear does have a point LiLi." "Thank you HazzaBear." I said giving him a quick side-hug.

"Ok I guess you do have a point Louis..." Liam said. "Yay! Blank Tomlinson here I come!" I screamed running towards the orphanage. "Blank?" Niall asked, curiously. "Well yea. I don't know her name so she is currently named Blank." I said, explaining myself. "Ohhhhhh." Niall said.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go adopt that girl." Zayn shouted.

And then we did just that.

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