Going Home

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I had just laid down for a nap when the orphanage mother, Ms. Rockwell, decided to yell at me, "Natalie! There are some very important people here that would like to see you!' I thought she was done when she shouted, "Oh and freshen up a bit will ya?" Apparently I'm not "fresh" enough for her.

I got up and walked over to my little dressor draws and pulled out a pair of black leggings, a white tank top, and an oversized grey sweator. I quickly changed and put on my make-up. Not a lot though, I'm not a whore. All I wear is mascara and eyeliner.

I put on my worn out pear of converse and skipped happily out of my room. I bolted down the stairs and through the hallways to Ms. Rockwell's office. "Yes Ms. Rockwell? What have I done now?" Iasked innocentally. "Nothing." She paused, "Yet, I hope. But that is not what I called you down here for. There is a group of men that wish to adopt you." I cringed when she said men. What? I want to get adopted, just by a MOM and a nice DAD, not more then one dad and no mom.

"And why would they want that? Wouldn't they like someone for fit to be adopted, like Amber or even Delilah?" I asked naming two of the priss bitches that bully me here.

"No, Natalie, they asked specifically for you." She said, emphasizing you.

"Why me?" I asked, still in shock. "I do not know that but they came in and asked for the girl with long flowy blonde hair and striking blue eyes, as they put it, and you are the only one with long flowy blonde hair." "Well maybe they saw someone else and misconcepted. They wouldn't want me." I said still defending my not-good-enough-for-adoption-ness.

"Natalie, please stop being difficult and go pack your things. The gentlemen are waiting for you to be ready in the living room. And please hurry, I do not want to have to come up and fetch you." With that she pushed me out of the room and slammed the door. You'd think she'd be jumping with joy over getting rid of me. She's never really liked me anyways, and I never knew why, And I guess I'll never know why.

Once I reached my room I walked in to find it completely trashed. I gasped and looked around to only find a smirking Amber, or as I like to call her, The Wicked Bitch of The West. "What hell Amber?! What's this for?!" I screamed at her. This only made her smile grow bigger and the disgust etch into her face with even more detail.

"You don't deserve to be adopted. You don't deserve anything. No matter how much they say they love you or they want you, they will always be lying. No one could ever love you." At this point I could give a shit about how much trouble I got into, I'd had enough of her bullshit.

She spit in my face and tried to leave but I had other plans. I grabbed her arm and threw her into the wall making her hiss in pain and try to get up. I only pushed her back down with my foot and said to her,"Excuse me? If I do seem to recall correctly they want me. Not you."

She only groaned in pain again and said, "They probably got bribed by Ms. Rockwell. She always hated you anyways. Everyone does." To shut her up I punched her in the face and knocked her out cold.

I stood up to inspect the damage done to my room and found that she didn't even think to look under my pillow. That's where my diary was, along with a picture of me, my mom, and my dad before everything changed.

I sighed and quickly grabbed it and stuffed it into my old back pack. She ruined all my clothes that I had besides the ones I was wearing, so I packed what little make-up I had, and my little teddy bear that my mom gave me when I was 4. I then took one last look at the knocked out Amber and thought to myself, "Bye bitch. Have a nice life in hell." And walked out of my room for the last time.

I walked down the stairs and into the living room. There was 5 incredibly hot guys sitting on the couch. They all started laughing really hard and the blonde one said, "You think we're hot, aye?" My face turned blood red and suddenly the floor became very interesting.

"No. I... Uh... I... Didn't... Mean it... Like that." I stated, still embarrassed. They soon stopped laughing at my inability to not say what I think.

"But it's ok if you think I'm hot. I don't mind." The one with curly hair said as he winked at me. He received at slap on the back of the head by the one with buzz cut. "Harry she's 14!!" He scolded. "So, your never to young." Harry said with another wink.

"Harry this is my daughter your talking about!" The one in stripes and suspenders said. "Daughter?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh right, introductions. I'm Louis! Not Lewis, it looks that way but it's a silent 's'" he ranted. The one with skateboard ramp looking hairstyle smacked him upside the head and said, "I thinks she's got it Lou." Louis blushed and stood up and went grab my things and stopped when he saw my bloody knuckles.

"Why is your hand all bloody, love?" I looked down and shyly said, "Amber ruined all my clothes and thrashed my room. She spit in my face so I pushed her into the wall and punched her."

"DAMN! We got a tough one over here!" The blonde one screamed. Louis scowled at him and took my bag. He turned to me and said, "At least you can fend for yourself. Now lets get out of here and go get you some new clothes. Shall we?" He held out his hand and I took it. We started walking to the door and the other boys followed.

I'm going to their home, I thought. No, my home, I corrected myself carefully. This ought to be an adventure!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2013 ⏰

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