< ' ' Chapter 1: Destined meet ' ' >

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Reader's POV:

It was a warm day day yet again inside the forest birds were chirping and flying freely, animals roaming around to their habitats and such I couldn't help but smile as I stretch my soar knotted body from the makeshift flower bed i use within the forest. "I wonder if anything is new?" She'd wonder to herself. First name went down from the tree house she had down to the river and took a small shower which she soon finishes and dries herself aswell as dressing herself in a soft flowery dress. 

/Optional but here's a small summary for a flower dress\ 

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/Optional but here's a small summary for a flower dress\ 

After dressing up in her comfy F/C flower dress First name neatly combs her hair and styles it lightly using the flowers and other things she finds around her in the forest. After finally fixing herself First name decided to try and go out the forest to the open fields and maybe interact with the people down the town thus she gathered enough strength to go out, using her abilities to sense her way out of the forest and after venturing through the forest once again First name finally made it out and sees the town down the hill "I wonder if the humans there are nice". 

First name once again used her abilities and her body disappeared in the wind forming a group of butterflies going to the direction of the town, after at least 5 minutes First name arrived in front of the town's gate which reads 'Maple town' in the very front of the sign. First name as happy as she is decided to walk inside the town, First name stood out from within the crowds due to her appearance

"Why are they staring at me.. is there something wrong?" First name thought to herself as she noticed the stares and attention she was getting for sticking out like a sore thumb among the crowd of people, Everyone started muttering things to themselves as some even grabbed their children and held them close or made them go inside. 

"Have you seen that girl? She looks off."

"What kind of clothing is she wearing? they look like rags"

"Why's someone like her in a town like this and looking like that?" 

"She looks like a commoner or worse" 

First name heard all those insults but she didn't let it get to her for she knew she wasn't any of those.. She was a being pf the forest, a divine creation from the Gods and some people as low as them can't insult how she is 'I won't let those get to me, I'm better in many ways' She'd thought to herself as she made her way to what looks like a fancy cafe. 

3rd Person POV: 

A strange looking woman with the height of 5'5 came in the cafe.. They didn't have shoes or any footwear, their clothes look like flowers and had weird accessories but somehow they had soft S/C skin, Luscious H/L H/C, and beaming E/C eyes they looked like a Goddess from one's point of view and can easily charm anyone if they had better formality of clothes soon enough they started looking around and of course from their looks they're probably a female.

The beautiful girl roamed around the cafe and didn't really know what to do as they just stared at the flowers inside before deciding to walk off and leave through the door which earned them many stares of confusion from the people inside the Cafe

Reader's POV: 

I didn't know what to do that very moment as i can't really understand why people are looking at me from times to time so i just decided to look at the flowers near the windows of the Cafe and leave but once again i started getting looks from people all around which made me feel quite uncomfortable from such un-identified attention i was getting. 

"People here are weird.. Have they not seen anyone like me before or something?"

Before I could do anything or simply walk off someone bumps into me making me and the person fall down I myself was ok and tried to help the person but instead of taking my help they started screaming on how i should have been more careful around my surroundings and not be a block head 


The person or rather annoyed man just kept shouting none stop which resulted in us being a source of drama and people started to look at us out of spite and curiousity. I didn't want to have more trouble so I carefully grab the ruined fruit from the ground and inspect it lightly on how I'm able to fix it 

''Hey what do you think you're doing bra-" Before the man could finish his nagging First name used an ability as her hands glowed a faint F/C color and there behold the fruit that was once ruined in her palm was now fresh as new "There good as new sir" First name spoke in a polite manner and waited for an answer although when she looked at the man in front of her she was confused. 

"Uhm sir.. Are you alright-" 

"MONSTER!! SHE'S A MONSTER!!" The man yelled out with hints of fear and dilemma in his voice as the people panicked and ran away, First name looked at the midst of chaos with confusion as she didn't know what to do or what's even happening "Huh I'm not a monster what do you me-" before she could finish someone hit her with a wooden pole as others soon gathered and joined in beating the so called 'Monster'  they faced. First name cried and winced from pain as she had hands over her head and curled her body to protect the front side of her body

'Pls stop.. I'm not a monster I won't hurt anyone. I promise' She thought to herself before having enough and used her ability making vines come out of the ground and pushing the crowd of people away which wasn't a good idea as it only resulted to her getting more insults and such




First name cried heavy tears she didn't know why the society of humans in this town thought she was a monster for using abilities she possessed now. She cried and winced in pain from the beatings she received and yet she ran away with the people in tow, her energy was drained from all the running and the bruises and such on her body didn't help as well as the people that were chasing after her to fully end her life out of fear and judgement. First name was slowing down as a river was nearby she didn't notice the rock ahead and tripped making her fall to the flowing river to who knows where..

3rd Person POV:

It was a simple and lovely day in Mayuran a guard was outside seeing if anything was worth to check and as they were about to go back a limp and bruised figure landed upstream which immediately caught they're attention, seeing how bruised and injured the person was they decided to settle them down somewhere safe before going back to ask for help.

Reader's POV:

I felt the water take me away to who knows where and it's been a good few minutes or so since i felt soft ground lightly hit me which states on how I'm probably near land by now I also somehow felt someone lightly move my body and made me lean on what I assume is a tree. After a few minutes I slowly started getting my consciousness back but I lacked the sight to see clearly but what I saw in front of me was a man who had peach colored hair with highlights of different colors in different parts of their hair, their eyes were covered with a soft  golden chain mask also decorated with pearls.. I could hear them talking about something but i couldn't comprehend the words all I heard was their soft alluring voice 

I soon started to fall back to the dark depths of unconsciousness but I didn't feel troubled or scared and instead safe and warm within the person's arms 'This won't be so bad.. I hope' was the last thing I thought before falling back to the land of dreams in the person's soft embrace and was carrying me bridal style to a what I would is a safe place, safer than the town nor forest nearby.



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