< ' ' Chapter 3: Knowing his highness and exploring ' ' >

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In the previous chapter... 

A soft yet slightly deep voice rings in my ears and as I look around my eyes widened at the sight or rather the person in front of

"We have meet again, come join me.."

Reader's POV: 

'THERE HE IS AGAIN! IS HE THE RULER??? IT CAN'T BE- but although.. he is the only one here w and I don't think anyone else will come at this point.' First name thought immediately refusing to have theories that the ruler of this place was the one who peeked at her in the bathroom , oh and I for real mean it when I had said.. The 'RULER' peeked /Actually just read the last chapter and you'll know it's an accident\ and saw her body her gorgeous self cared and most certainly good shaped body but nonetheless another ring of a soft yet deep voice embraces her ears snapping her out her thoughts ''Are you just going to stand there or are you going to sit down? Much of my time has already been wasted and I don't want to waste it any further''

First name moved her body towards the small yet elegant hut that's place in the middle of what looks like a garden, she sat down in front of his highness and proceeded to stare yet she herself forgot that if she looked at a direction or something for too long then it's considered that you're interested in what your looking at or spacing out and that is what seems to be happening to first name but his highness had another thought in ''Are you just going to keep staring?'' His highness asked seemingly displeased of First name's behavior , First name who just got out of her moment of spacing out got confused with his question ''What is it your highness?'' First name asked clearly stating that she wasn't listening or didn't hear him at all 'Welp I'm in trouble' 

His highness took his tea cup and sipped on it gently while still looking at First name's direction which is just right in front of him '' I will only ask a few questions and you better answer quick.'' He'd straight up state as it is , First name who was there and seated swallowed the lump on her throat and silently exhaled the breathe she didn't know she was holding in ''Of course your highness.'' was all she could get out of her mouth 'Damn it self is that seriously all you can spout out?' 

''Alright let us begin..''

Kenzo's POV:

'this woman.. she doesn't seem harmful and probably doesn't know Mayuran yet. That's good' Kenzo Immediately thought and therefor observed the woman in front of him in a polite yet respectful manner ''Alright first question. Where are you from?'' He starts off with a simple question which First name simply answered with a 'Ah that's what I don't know either, I lived in a fairly accurate forest but I'm not sure which part of land that is. I never usually leave' , Kenzo not so satisfied with their answer sighed lightly but let it slide as he proceeded with the rest of his questions. For 30 whole minutes they have been exchanging questions and answers, well mostly him asking and First name answering as best and as careful as she can.

Kenzo who think he had enough information that he needs from first named hummed softly to First name's last answer, '' I think I have heard enough, you may leave to your room or explore the outskirts of this land but I'm warning you.. do not do harm to the people nor this land.'' He'd dismiss her with his normal tone of voice at first but immediately shifted to a much more deep and serious tone as his aura went from a calm embrace to one's perspective to that of danger and a menacing warning as he stated the last part to First name. 

''I'll be leaving you alone and make sure that you'll be back before midnight. understand?'' He'd instruct her in a serious manner as he just looked at First name who nodded without saying a word and bowing her head as she stands up and leave. 

'She looks identical.. but I need more proof before I'm certain..' with that kenzo stirred his tea gently and took a sip seemingly trying to calm his mind. 

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