Ways To Get Inspiration

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The best ways to get inspiration is to list your ideas are:

1-Reading books

Yes, to start getting inspiration you have to read book that you enjoy.

Not only, but I advice to read classical literature book.

Because it helps in developing your dictionary which leads to organizing your ideas.

2-Watching movies and shows, YouTube...Especially the old movies and shows.

You see watching old show or movies gives inspiration and many ideas.

The new ones are not really inspirational in my opinion.

The plot ideas don't really have to be related to that show, your mind just gives you random ideas of what you want your character to look like or act as.

Or simply you add more qualities that you think that character needs.

E.g. John Wick is a strong assassin, he is charismatic, powerful, determined, etc...

So, an idea pops in your mind, that you want your character's father to be like him.

3- Get rid of distractions.

Don't listen to songs.

I know that you think I'm mad for stating that, but in reality if you spend two days without listening to songs, your mind begins to be more focused on the task.

Once the mind finds itself at peace, it begin focusing on inspiring you.

Don't watch politics.

You see politics makes any person stressed and nervous to the point where they lose inspiration and get negative feelings.

So, if you are watching politics, I advice you to stop doing that.

Instead if you want to create a sense of political views in your story because it is about Monarchy, secret societies and stuff like that.

You should read books like,

'The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli'

He describes exactly how most people who rule a country think like, whether in the past, present, and future.

'The Republic by Plato'

Honestly, in high school it was mentioned in my philosophy subject which explains the perfect community and perfect individual.

Even though, I don't like how Plato really put it out, and his ideas are sometimes flawed, yet his book could help you create a view of a grey character.

There are many other great books, I just decided to give those as examples, and if you can't read them.

Their summaries are on YouTube.

4-Listing Ideas

You have inspiration for your books yet you don't know to organize those ideas.

The technique is simple.

All you have to do is bring a paper and starting write the ideas in points.


Chapter Idea: the reader wants to find a way to return back to her universe.

1- She asks around for a magician.
2-One of the villagers leads her to a magician.
3-The magician agrees to help but on condition.
4-She has to marry him.
5-The reader refuses and leaves.

Then you take those points and write them down in sentences.

You can also add quotations in the list.

Also you can filter out the ideas you don't want.

That's the things that helped me get inspiration.

Hope it helps you too ❤️❤️❤️

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