Dear Vinland

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Far away, across the buildings

There is an empty place

Where all that is in sight

Is the skill of the sculptor

I imagine what it would be like

To not wake up to the sound of buzzing

But instead to the sound of clucking

To wake up to a homely breakfast
And not a store-bought meal

I imagine what it would sound like

Without all the noise and traffic

Would it be the sound of breeze and rain

Because ive never heard it

Here in this place

I can only picture what the sky would look like

If it's filled with all the birds and clouds

And not with wires and hatred

I cant even imagine how it would feel like

To walk on the soft grass

Because ive been walking on concrete all along

How would it feel to be in a world where numbers don't decide your life?
How would it feel to live where people actually mean what they say

In Vinland , would teenage mean innonce and prime
Not heartbreak and melancholy

In Vinland, would there be pretty pink flowers?

Dear VinlandWhere stories live. Discover now