Asking Out

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After the whole Terapagos incident Kieran asks Juliana to be friends again and the two got closer, till the point that they started to be more obvious of their feelings for each other, despite still being afraid to admit it. UVA Academy is on break, so her friends and twin brother-Florian, Penny, Nemona, and Arven, come to Blueberry Academy to hang out with her. Kieran's also doing better. His confidence has improved a lot despite his still not-as-good trust issues. After all he'd been through, bits of his trauma still bothers him from time to time. He still worries about her replacing him.

Currently, the two were in his dorm, hanging out with each other, talking about their pokemon and what'd they've been doing recently. It was a Sunday morning so there weren't any classes. But Juliana had to cut it short to get ready for a 'special occasion' tomorrow.

"So, are we still set for the... uhm... 'hangout' tomorrow, or do you have plans with 'those' people?"

"Kiki, you know you shouldn't say that. They're my friends too, y'know." Juliana replied, a small pout on her face.

"I know, I know... I also know I need to stop saying you'll abandon me for them... I'm sorry..." Kieran said, with a small whine, his face heating up from what he'd just said, 'Great! Just Great Kieran! You finally got to get back with your first and ever friend, and now you did this, such a friend you are...'

Juliana giggled at how he reacted. It was cute seeing him all spoilt like that. It's funny to see that after so much have changed, something doesn't. "It's okay, I don't have any plans with them tomorrow as far as I know."

His eyes light up hearing her giggle. Seemingly unfazed by what he'd just said. He could feel his heart flutter at the sight, washing away all of his negative thoughts. Even way back in Kitakami, the girl never failed to make him feel like he belonged. She was always so selfless and understanding. Something that truly holds a place in his heart.

"Really... So that means we'll be spending the day together then?" Kieran asked, trying his best to hide the excitement in his voice. It wasn't him to act all giddy and childish like this, that is before this. Now that he'd learn to be more true to himself, he is way better in expressing his feelings than before. But not all habits die out easily as he does keep some to himself, too.

"Promise." Juliana smiled warmly, raising her hand as if she's making a vow to herself. It was clear that they both had feelings for each other for a long time in fact, but neither of them wanted to admit it.

Despite everything they've been through, they were still hesitant about their feelings for each other. But tomorrow? Tomorrow was special. Love filled the air that day as Valentines set afoot. It wasn't that she didn't knew, they both did. As a matter of fact, she was the one who planned out the whole 'hangout' thing as a way to ask him out and make it less awkward for both of them.

Kieran's face flushed. "I can't wait..." Kieran responded, sounding a bit bashful as he looked down and tried to contain his excitement.

"Since it's a day off and all, how about we go somewhere special? How about Nimbasa City?" Juliana asked as she looked back to him. Keep it together, Julie, if things don't work out. I'll just say it's a hangover, nothing much. It's just a normal casual hangover between... friends, Yeah...

Kieran looked up at her, blushing at her suggestion, and nodded. "That sounds amazing." He responded, still sounding bashful but happy with the idea. He could feel himself needing to look away more to hide his red face.

"Great!" She said. A brief silence followed as the two shared an awkward moment. Fiddling her fingers. A vivid red painted her cheeks at the sheer embarrassment of this whole situation, she looks away, trying her best to hide it from him.

"Uhm... Well, I think it is time for me to go. It was nice talking to you, Kieran. I'll see you tomorrow then!" She waved him off, making her way out of his dorm room, stumbling a bit as she made her way out the door.

Kieran let out a small chuckle. "Same here... " He said, with a smile, trying to hide his own embarrassment. "I can't wait." Kieran added.

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