Chapter 21: Holy Fuck

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Ace's Point Of View

"You'll have to give Ace a hickey" Ted said with his signature proud smirk that he always wears whenever he knows he did something real bad.

"You say what?" I asked and I could hear Angel's voice along with mine. I turned to look at her and seriously, I think that's the best thing that Ted ever said. Angel's wore a panic expression on her face and I smirked at her.

"I'm not doing that" she muttered and didn't utter a word knowing that my friends wouldn't give up without putting up a fight.

"That's a dare" Justin pointed out and glared at Angel for not respecting the terms and conditions of the game.

"I don't wanna mark him! What would his sluts say?" she shouted and crossed her arms over a chest making her boobs budged. Keep your eyes down!

Wait! Did she say sluts?

"Sluts?" I questioned and glared at the beautiful girl sitting in front of me. She was cute and so small that I wanted to protect her. She seemed so strong sometimes that at first I didn't believe that she would cut herself.

"I don't know what to call them" she said with a shrug and I stared at her.

"Who?" I questioned.

"The girls who seem to have time to waste with you" she responded and my glares subsided.

"My little Angel, You just call yourself a slut" I said and watched as her eyes widened while patting her shoulder in amusement and she huffed in annoyance while the guys laughed.

"That's not what I meant!" she groaned and glared at her hands.

"Come on, do the freaking dare!" Rachel shouted in impatience. Angel looked really uncomfortable.

"If you don't want to, it's okay" the words left my mouth without really thinking. The  guys looked at me in shock. I never gave a fuck about a girl before. I wouldn't care but Angel was different. I didn't know how. But she was different.

"No! She has to do it!" Ted exclaimed and we all looked at his childish behavior.

"Come on! It's only a hickey! It doesn't mean anything" Rachel said, making Angel looked at her in disbelief.

"My own best friend is against me!" She gasped in fake horror and I chuckled at how cute she sounded.

"Do it already, you're wasting our time" Daniel whined.

"As if you had better things to do" Rachel backfired.

"Yeah, I was going to do Emilia Wong!" He exclaimed happily and him and Ted high five.

"The nerd in Maths class?" Justin questioned in disbelief. Daniel nodded and gave him a smirk.

"Talking of Nerd, Angel do it!" Ted said and I watched as Angel's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Did you just call me a nerd?" she asked while glaring at Ted. He shrugged and pointed to me.

"Do it" he ordered and Angel huffed in annoyance.

"He said that if I don't want to, it's okay" she backfired.

"He's dumb" Ted simply said and my eyes narrowed on him.

"He's not!" Angel said, sticking her tongue out at Ted at a five year old girl would do.

"You are too!" Ted said mimicking Angel and Rachel laughed at him.

"Hail To The Bad boy who stick out their tongue!" Ally yelled and took a gulp of her beer. "Just do it Angel!" She then shouted.

"Fine!" Angel huffed making my eyes widened with excitement.

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