Chapter 24: Queen Bitch Is Back

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"What's the plan for today?" Justin asked as he plopped himself on the couch as if he owned the place. It was pretty boring as Ace wasn't here. He had to go and I don't know where he went. I knew that he was not going to tell thus I decided not to argue. Daniel, Ted and the girls walked in the living room. I shrugged and turned my attention to Rachel.

"Care to explain why were you naked with Daniel on the bed?" I asked bluntly and watched as her eyes widened.

"I was on the bed with him?" she asked in shock and turned to face Daniel who shrugged.

"Yesterday I heard you walking to the bathroom and you fell down, You started vomiting so I took your clothes off and gave you my shirt" he explained and Rachel groaned in embarrassment.

"And none of the girls could have undress me?" she asked while glaring at Daniel who simply shrugged.

"They were all drunk" he explained nonchalantly.

"Thank you" Rachel mumbled as she sat next to me. It was kind of cute from Daniel to take care of Rachel. I wanted to coo when Daniel slightly blushed.

"Did you just blush?" Ally asked out loud making me laugh. "Bad boys my ass!" she hollered and laughed at him.

"Shut up" Daniel spat.

"Shut up guys! My head's pounding" Ted whined and sat on the floor next to the couch, leaning against it. "Why are you guys not having a hangover?" he asked and squeezed his eyes close when the pain strike again.

"Maybe because we took Advil?" Ally said, looking at him as if he was stupid. Poor bad boy! He stared at us in pain. This really pitied me, so I stood up and made my way to the kitchen, took a glass of water with the Advil and walked back to the living room to find Ted still holding his head.

"Here" I gave it to him and he smiled slightly as he gulped down the Advil.

"At least you have some humanity in you for helping a man in pain" he mumbled and I rolled my eyes then looked at the three guys seriously.

"Guys, are you really bad boys?" I asked seriously with my hands on the hips. "Because seriously, you guys keep on whining, you complain, you care for others, and one of you just talk about humanity!" I exclaimed and the three assholes smirked then Justin shook his head.

"We are bad boys" he said. "With our friends, we are pretty comfortable" he said and I smiled.

"I never agree to be friends with you" Ally butted in and I chuckled when Daniel playfully glared at her.

"Well too sad for you, you're all stuck with us" Ted said with his usual smirk. I sighed and leant against the wall.

"I'm bored" I whined and the girls smirked. You know that evil smirk that people give you whenever they know something on you that is totally embarrassing? No? Never mind. "What?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at them.

"Nothing" Ally replied innocently wiggling her eyes at Rachel.

"Before knowing Ace, we were never boring" Rachel said while giggling.

"I never said you are boring" I denied. "And how the hell is Ace involved?" I exclaimed in disbelief. Ted scoffed and I glared at him.

"You are retarded" he simply said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Next time the retarded will let you die with that terrible head ache" I snapped and he chuckled.

"At least you accepted the fact that you are retarded" he snickered and I groaned in annoyance.

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