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I woke up in the apartment to a knock on the door so I got up an opened the door an see the moving men an showed them we're to put the boxes. I went back to my room an called Mark.
Mark:Hey Aubrey what ya need?
Me:I was wondering if I could get a tattoo on my side an also get my belly button pierced.
Mark:Well if makeup can cover it an you take it out I don't see why not.
Me:Thank you so much.
Mark:Your welcome darling.
Me:Hope y'all are having fun bye.
Mark:Bye Aubrey you too.
I hang up an smile an go back inti the living room an pay the moving men then start unpacking. "Claire come get your boxes for your room." I say. She doesn't answer an I walk into her room to see her a Drew naled on her bed an I shut the door real fast an went back to unpacking. "Aubrey I'm so sorry we should of locked the door please forgive me." Claire says. "Drew out now." I say. Drew kisses Claire an walks out an I glare at her. "Your grounded for a week an no seeing Drew." I say. "But Aubrey that's stupid I'm sixteen years old." Claire yells. "Exactly Claire your sixteen your not old enough to have sex we didn't move back for you an him to make baby's." I yell. Claire glares an storms off to her room an I get a call from June.
June:Hey girl.
Me:Hey June what ya need.
June:for us to go out let the town know we our back.
Me:Um sounds fun can we stop by the tattoo shop I got permission by Mark so I'm all good with that.
June:Oh sounds fun be there in an hour.
Me:Ok I'm about done unpacking the livingroom anyways.
June:Eh I will do it later bye girl.
I laugh an say bye an finish unpacking. "Claire get dressed we our going out." I yell. She comes out an looks at me. "Where our we going?" Claire ask. "You are going to Gabrielle's house an I'm going with June." I say. "Wait so I can see Drew?" Claire ask. "Uh no I'm having Gabrielle take you to the hospital to see a women giving birth." I say. Claire glares at me an June knocks on the door an we go an drop Claire off. "What is wrong with her?" June ask. "I walked in on her an Drew naked after having sex an she is grounded for a week." I say. "But we just dropped her off at Gabrielle's where Drew also lives." June says. "Gabrielle is taking her to the hospital to see a women give birth." I say. "Oh dame I feel bad for her an I love them ears girl." June says. I laugh an we talk some more an go to the tattoo shop an walk in an I get my tattoo an belly pierced. We walk out an walk around the square an shop. "I love that tattoo you got an the ring he gave you is so pretty." June says. "You should call Mark an see if you could get you one an your done." I say. "Aubrey I'm not good with needles I can't do that." June says. "Sure come on take me to Hunter's house so I can talk to Gabrielle." I say. She laughs an takes there an I walk in an see Gabrielle yelling at Drew an Claire. "Wow what is going on here?" I ask. They all look at me an Claire looks really scared. "Claire don't make me ask again." I say. "Claire an Drew here where having sex again." Gabrielle says. I look at Claire just shocked an shake my head an walk into the kitchen an grab me a Dr.pepper. "Aubrey I'm sorry I know you grounded me." Claire says. "Claire get away from me I'm not happy with you I'm disappointed." I say. Claire tears up an walks outside to Drew an Gabrielle walks in. "What our we to do?" I ask. "All we can do is buy a bunch of condoms an put Claire on birth control." Gabrielle says. "An hope Claire don't get pregnant." I say. "Sweetie it will get better now let me see that tattoo." Gabrielle says. I laugh an remove the bandage an she smiles an then I cover it back up. "It's really nice." Gabrielle says. "Mom I'm home." Hunter shouts. He walks in an sees me an smile an kisses me an looks at my tattoo. "I like it especially the belly ring." Hunter says. I roll my eyes an Gabrielle walks out smiling at the two of us. "How was practice Mr. Senior captain?" I ask. "It was great we have a new school color it's red so no more orange an how did you know I got that spot." Hunter says. "Well you came in all happily so I just new you got the captain spot an your quarter back." I say. "My girl knows me so well." Hunter says. "Well I should we have been together all most a year." I say. "I know an I have something special planned." Hunter says." Hunter we agreed to just stay at the apartment cook supper an watch movies." I say. "I know but I have something better planned." Hunter says. I laugh an he kisses me an hugs me. "It will be perfect trust me." Hunter says. "It better be Claire come on we our going home." I say. I kiss hunter bye an hug Gabrielle an walk to my car an we get in an I drive us home only stopping to pick something up for supper an we went home. We our now in the apartment eating our food. "Gabrielle told me the plan you two had for me an Drew." Claire says. I just look at her finish my hamburger an through everything away an finish unpacking the kitchen. "Aubrey you can't ignore me your my sister an we live together plus we our on the cheer team together." Claire says. "I know what you our an I know you live in my house an I know your on the team but right now I don't have to fucking talk to you when I'm disappointed in you Claire Smith." I yell. I turn back an finish unpacking an go lock the door an close everything up an go to my room an change an go to sleep.

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