Chapter 1 Bad Girl!

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Well , I never though I'd be on a trip with archeologists but... They , found my vlog debate to be interesting.. Well , they called it that but ... all , I really did was talk about mythology , genetics , and the possibility of hybrid species.

I , mean think about it we have  lyger which are tiger and  lion , and the others hybrid cats , then the hybrid wolf dogs. If , another  species has more complex genes... why , couldn't they  mix under the correct  circumstances?

We , talked  about beastmen stories , other dimensions,  centaurs and all sorts of fairy tales. Lots , of followers  either loved the idea or , had a good laugh  either way it was fun! Seeing ,the comments debate before...  I , moved onto my manga discussion video.

Two weeks later...

I , was awoken from  my slumber , and  thoughts .... We , have hit a patch of turbulence! Please , fasten your belts!  I , sucked in a breath squeezing  , my eyes saying  a prayer.

We , landed on a rough  pathway  but made it to their  dig site. I , stepped out of the airplane with  my bag , taking  a moment to stay myself for  mosquitoes. Ah , you must be Jessica? " Oh , yes I do the vlog!"

You , have some interesting ideas! I , wonder if I can get your opinion on something? " Sure , Mr ??? Nagi .. Professor Nagi! I , followed him to this mummy they , found perfectly preserved... " Oh my it's a real beastman!"

It , was so surprising the response your vlog got!  We ,wanted you to  explore this with us! " Can you  date it ? I , mean it doesn't look very old!"

That , is why we want you to  join the local tribe! " You ,mean you found a whole clan or eh village?"
Yes , but they can't see us for  some reason! " So join them as in... Marry Yes! That , is how most of them survive as a big family unit!

" So , you can go through to them and come back out?" Yes! " Sounds like a dimension loop!" Exactly , and we want you  to  communicate with us if you're  successful! " Just , don't do anything to upset them , and I'll do it!"

The , other team members  followed there was like a window of water  but you  can see   a whole village on the other side but a bunch of others came in with  supplies and , women like in the stories.... " Wish me luck!"  Good Luck!

They , followed me through I turned and saw all of them but , they couldn't walk past a barrier.... I walk over carefully.. Female , where are your  males?
This wolf man asked.

" I don't have any!"  I , see two marks on his neck ... " What are these?"  Prowess marks! I smiled.
" Are you  perhaps  missing  a friend? My , teammates found  a wolf beastmen body!" Yes , a clansmen went missing!

" I'm , not sure what exactly happened to him but he was buried! They actually asked me to try and find out! See , for some reason you  can't see them ! I , came through that , cave your clansmen is on the other side!"

Show me! " Sure! What's your name? I'm Jessica!" Shuu!  I smiled...  as , we approached the Professor watching , as the others did too. I walked through  he started to panic ... Female  ,female!  He ,shifted into this huge wolf sniffing.

I , walked back through .. " I'm , okay  Shuu you  just couldn't see me!" He , shifted butt naked  and hugged me... I'm , so happy you're safe! " I guess you  can't go through to meet the team ,or see his body but.. at , least I could tell the family!"

I , look over to four ladies  checking out the size of his ahem joystick...  " Well , it seems you  can't see them but ,they see you on the other side!"  He sniffs... Females,  and a older male!

" Yes , but there are many others!"
Can I court you? "Um , yeah but I don't  actually live here! So , I'll either have to  just live with you.  Or , you can leave my gifts by the cave!" I , can take care of you!

He , hugged me and that weapon between his legs ...  Jumped , hitting my bad girl. The girls  behind in the cave ...Go for it ! Yeah , give us the deets after pound town! I blushed.  Well ,I actually  am standing in Beauty and the Beasts story.

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