Chapter 3 Wham

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He , carried me back to the furs by the other females and , gave me a leaf of meat. I , noticed Winston gave the fox meat and , she leans back.. Poor , Winston left it there..

After , a few minutes of eating.. I , poured some coke into my water bottle , and put it back in my bag.
Then , I took a shaker of Cajun seasoning , and sprinkled some on my meat.

After I finished eating " Shuu!" Yes? "Can , you fill my bottle with water please?" Yes ! I'll , be right back!
Did , you accept that male? " Yes , aren't you going to accept Winston?" No , he's scary!

" Why? I , think he's quite handsome!" No he's scary! " I'm , not trying to be mean but , these males go out and hunt risking their lives and , you would turn him down for a scar? I , mean in my clan if a male went off to war and , came back alive or scarred we still honor them for their sacrifice! It's , a battle badge shouldn't , they be proud they survived it !"

I , still won't accept him! I nodded...
" Wanna see my scars? See , the back of my arm... I , was shoveling dirt and fell on some tin. See , my wrist I put my fist through a glass window! "

I ,unbuttoned my shorts pulling them down just enough "See ,that scar on my ass? I , was herding cows up to the barn and one of the mothers hit me ! I , eh got tossed into barbed wire! I , have one down in the low hairs too! From , my clumsy teenage butt and a razor!"

When , I shut my mouth I realized I had embarrassed females and , males with hard ons all around.
Shuu , gave me the water " Thank you sweet Shuu!" And, he must have seen and , heard because his loin cloth is stretched bad.

A , giant white tiger came out in beast form. The , males all shifted and I , put on my book sack climbing on. After , about four hours we stopped for a break .
I , did some stretches and , a little yoga to loosen up after that ride.

What , is that your doing? " It's , a special kind of stretch ,to loosen the muscles Winston! It's called yoga!" Can I touch you?
" Yes!" I smiled. His , clawed hands massage my shoulders and lower back... " Mmm , I can get used to this! Where , did you learn to massage?"

My , father used to massage mother! I , have to see if the fox female , accepts me it's the rules!
" Well , if she doesn't then I will announce you're mine! If , that's okay with you!"

He , tensed and my breath hitched " It's okay if you don't want to Winston! I'm , used to being turned down!"... He was quiet " Thank you Winston!" I , stood and walked off to go pee.

Shuu , went to hunt so I pee and wash my hands in the creek .
Taking , a deep breath I turned looking at this beastman , with purple hair in the eyes.

Then , I see the scorpion tail " Sorry , if this is your place I didn't know!" I , start walking past him... He , grabbed my arm laughing "What , the fuck are you doing?"
Why making you mine!

I , yanked my arm away "You ,forgot to say please scorpion!" I , looked him square in the eyes and didn't budge. She has fire! " I'm , going back and if you want, to court me do it right!" I , started walking fast.

He , came after me so I hauled ass running. I , grabbed my pepper spray off my pants loop , and bouey knife out of the sheath. He , grabbed me again. I , sprayed him in the eyes .... Aggh you bitch !what is that? " Pepper spray! Remember , that next time you want to force a female!"

He , turned me loose holding his eyes with one hand and swung his fist. I , went flying fast backwards into the camp. I , coughed catching my breath I stood up. He , ran at me again the males all growl.

Shuu is pissed ... Jessica ,are you hurt? "Not , yet I'm about to bust a scorpion's ass!" I , got my brass knuckles, and ran at him fast "WHAM" ... " That's , for hitting me you jackass!" I , cut his jaw with the knuckles. " Now , I told you to court me right so go back , until I'm not pissed off !" He looked shocked.
Shuu pulled me back... Jessica, don't do that again!

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