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The next night, when Rini woke up she felt content as she had Ruki's arms around her waist. She looked up at him only to see that he was still asleep. She placed her hand softly on the side of his face which woke him up as his eyes opened. "Evening darling, sleep well?" Ruki asked her 

"Mhm, I had you beside me. Thank you for last night."

"Of course, we should get up so you can eat."

"Okay...you'll be eating with me right?" She asked hopefully

"Why would I? I am still part human. That part of me still needs to eat every day sweet heart." He said as he placed his hand over hers

She smiled as she nodded her head, as they got up Rini saw the clothes she came to the manor in on her table. So she got up and dressed herself only for Ruki to wrap his arms around her hips as he kissed her neck softly. "Today is your last night here, you better make it count with who you have left to be around."

Rini placed her hands over Ruki's and smiled at him. "I know, I will Ruki."

He let her go and got dressed himself before they went down to the ground floor together. When they got into the kitchen they worked together to get food for both of them. As they were finishing up Yui came into the kitchen. "Ruki...Can we please talk?"

Ruki ignored her and instead focused his attention on Rini while she was cooking on the stove. He found out she only knew how to deal with baking-not cooking. So he tried his best to teach her so she wasn't completely incompetent about it. Ruki went behind Rini and placed his hand over hers. "Keep the pancakes still until you see air bubbles then you flip them otherwise they're going to be under cooked Rini."


Yui huffed out before she pouted, she then went to get Kanato's attention only to see him go past her and into the kitchen. "I thought I smelled food being cooked. So you actually do know how to keep Rini fed."

"Of course, I told you yesterday that I wish to keep her happy and that I feed her did I not?" Ruki stated as he looked behind him to Kanato

"You did, but I only half believed you. You are just a half blood after all-there's no reason for me to think that you'd actually give a damn about my little sister. Until the day she marries I am skeptical of anyone who is at her side." Kanato explained seriously

"How come?" Ruki asked moving away from Rini looking at him intrigued

"Well, well so she didn't tell you everything about her people did she?" Kanato said with a smirk

"She doesn't trust me that much." Ruki stated

"I see, Rini do you mind if I tell him?" Kanato inquired the red haired female

"Sure thing. You brought it up anyways." Rini said as she flipped the pancakes she was making

Kanato placed teddy on the counter and grinned at Ruki. "The woman you are with is a princess Succubi, you're at least aware of that much yeah?"

"I am."

"You should also be aware that the oath you took to be so close to her isn't just a hearsay oath, it's a life oath that if broken makes that person insane and infatuated with the succubi or incubi who ended up breaking the curse." Kanato stated

Rini turned to look at Kanato. "I didn't even know that much about myself...how did you find that out?"

"Before father left he placed ten different books in the library about your kin. I read them all while you were gone. I know everything about your kin little sister." Kanato said with a grin

"Well damn...interesting to know. Continue on Kana." Rini stated going back to the pan on the stove

"To get those who are insane to no longer be insane about her-she must marry someone and the life oath becomes a forever marriage oath. You break that marriage oath you will break little Rini's mind and she will become a still doll in a coma until someone comes around to say the oath to her and full heartedly speaks it to her. It will also tear you and anyone else who was oath bound to her into pieces mentally until death takes over you body, soul and mind." Kanato said seriously "Now I know you wouldn't wish to have little Rini be as a still doll. So you wouldn't break that oath with her-especially now knowing that it'll be your own damn life for it and I can tell that you are a narc who thinks more about themselves than anyone else."

Rini finished up with the pancakes as she turned the stove off. She then turned herself to look at Ruki and Kanato. "W-What do you mean by that Kana?"

"I can assure you that he has his own motives being here with you and agreeing to be with you. I can't tell right now what they are but once I find out he isn't going to last being around you." Kanato said seriously

Rini was silent as she realized that she may have made the wrong choice being around Ruki. Sure he allowed her to do as she needed, but that didn't mean that he liked and wanted to do it.

She took her food and went to the dining room, when she did she saw that Ayato was sitting at the table. But she ignored him as she had her food for the day, Ruki in the kitchen narrowed his eyes at Kanato. "You were testing me...weren't you?"

"You are with the most precious person in the family. Adopted or not-she is and will always be my little sister. I will do whatever it takes to make sure she's okay. It's up to you to prove my words wrong." Kanato said before he left out with his teddy

Kanato went into the dining room where he sat beside Rini as he placed his hand on her arm. "I would suggest before going to see Laito and Shu today to go and visit the library. It would do you good to get the books that father placed there and if you need help just ask Reiji. He'll be in there today."

Rini nodded her head as she had a mouth full of pancake before she swallowed and spoke up. "Okay, thank you. Wanna bite?" Rini asked as she offered her fork with pancake on it

His eyes lit up as he smiled at her. "Of course, thank you for thinking about me Rini." He said before he took what was on her fork off with his mouth.

Once he finished swallowing it, he hummed out contently. "That was rather sweet...and tasted like strawberries. Guess I should have known it would have. It is you that made them. Of course they would taste like strawberries. You truly love the sweet taste of strawberries don't you?"

"Of course and you know why."

"Yes I do, I do hope that this isn't the last time we see you in this house."

"I hope that as well big brother Kana." She said before she moved her plate towards him. "I'm full, I think I made too much for my stomach to eat. You can finish the rest if you wish."

He looked at her happily. "Really?! Are you sure?"

"Very sure."

He hugged her tightly. "Thank you. I'll take care of the kitchen. Go on to the library."

"Alright thankies Kanato."

Rini then got up and left to the library. As she got to the door to the library she was held back by a pair of arms around her. She looked behind her to see that it was Ayato, she sighed and raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you want?"

"So...you're actually going to talk to me this time?"

"As of now the loyalty of Ruki is in question his request is temporary denied for the moment. My question remains."

"Please don't go with him...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I've made things so hellish between us."

Rini let out a sigh and she pried herself out of his arms before she turned herself to look at him. "I need to ask you a few questions before I even think about getting anywhere near you, you lie or deceive me and we'll have an issue understand?"

"Sure thing."

Rini could tell that he was being rather calm now, so she hoped that she'd be able to get the answers she wanted out of him. 

[Sequel to untitled love] Oath to Heart [Diabolik Lover love story]Where stories live. Discover now