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"What is so wrong with her being with one of us?" Kanato asked confused "Her blood family was up in arms about her being around Ayato at first when she had left us for five years. She came back depressed and underweight for someone like her." 

Julian let out a sigh as he crossed his arms. "You vampires really are full of yourselves you know that? I can't believe she even wanted to be around any of you. It is uncouth for a succubi of her caliber to be with someone like one of you. You both realize if she gets bitten enough by one of you she will end up dying. Her parents didn't sell her off because she was female, they sold her off because she wasn't supposed to live past her child years. She was a frail young girl and they didn't have what it took to take care of her. They didn't want her death to be on their conscious."

"That's even worse from what we were told. The fact that someone like you knows about that means you know more than you're letting on. Especially knowing that she sees most of us as her family."

Behind Julian was Reiji who had spoken up, but Reiji wasn't alone. The others had came as well-which included Yui. "Why the fuck did you guys bring her here?! She's the damn reason we hadn't seen Rini in so damn long!?" Ayato asked angered

"She wanted to see for herself what she had done to Rini." Shu stated with a sigh "She didn't believe that it could happen to her."

Yui walked up to Rini and didn't feel a heart beat at all from her. "S-She really is in a coma..isn't she?" Yui asked Ayato

"Because of you-yeah...yeah she is."

Yui frowned and looked down before she moved away from Rini "I'm sorry Rini, I never meant for this to happen. I apologize for doing anything wrong to make you be in this state."

Ayato went up to Reiji and gave him the letter that was in Rini's hands. "I found this on Rini. I think all of you should read this. Kanato and I already know what's written on it."

Reiji read it before giving it to the others to read one by one. As they did Julian scoffed "None of you are going to be able to get her out of that coma, it's obvious that none of you really care about her."

"You do realize that most of us have been actively trying to find her. None of us even knew about this part of the demon world even existed. Let alone that it was territory for you and Rini's kin. It's rather obvious that her blood is truly a mystery to all of us." Laito said seriously "We do care about Rini, we love her dearly. We care so much about her. Most of us would go out in groups but others would go out solo to try to cover ground to find her."

Julian rolled his eyes "You all are wasting your time, it's never going to work. The oath that needs to be said is way different than any simple oath that was taken in the past by any of you."

Kou punched Julian straight in the face knocking him to the ground as he glared at the incubus male. "Get the fuck out of here, if you are only going to taunt us and be a big damn dick about this shit there's no damn reason for you to be here. All of us have our reasons to be around Little Rini. We don't give a fuck what you think and what your judgement call is for any of us. We only care about how Rini sees us."

"You bastard! How dare you!" Julian shouted before he went straight for Kou only for him to kick Julian in the gut and have him slid against the floor. 

"I'm being nice right now, get lost." Kou said coldly 

Julian growled out before he got up and went for the blond haired male only for him to be kicked to the ground face first by someone. He looked behind him to see that it was Ayato who looked unamused. "You are pathetic to think that you could taunt a bunch of vampires."

Kou and Yuma took Julian out as Ayato looked back to Rini and he went up to her placing a hand softly on her face. "I wonder if you'd give me another chance to prove myself after all of the bull shit I've placed you through."

Kanato narrowed his eyes at Ayato. "I don't see why you should be the one to get her out of her coma! You don't even care truly about her!"

"I know more about her kin than you do Kanato. Only someone who truly loves her and full heartly sees her as the one they want to spend forever with can be at her side. It doesn't matter who says the words if the meaning behind it isn't pure its not going to work." Ayato said shaking his head

"I don't believe you." Kanato said before he placed his hands over Rini's hands. "I, Sakamaki Kanato hereby give my life and soul to the Eastern Queen Succubus Rini to have and love for all my life."

All of them waited to see what would happen if something would happen, only for Rini to stay in her still like coma state. Kanato frowned as he realized that he wasn't meant to be at Rini's side. "B-But I love you Rini...Isn't that enough?"

"Apparently it's not." Subaru said as he went up to Rini "Guess the rest of us should try as well. To see if what we feel for her is enough to get her out of her coma stasis."

Subaru then tried saying the same thing Kanato had only for it not to work. After him Shu tried to no avail. Then Reiji tried to see if the compassion he had for the small red head female was enough-but it wasn't. Laito then tried holding one of her hands and the side of her face but she was still in her coma stasis. 

[Sequel to untitled love] Oath to Heart [Diabolik Lover love story]Where stories live. Discover now