help the girl whos lost her way

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Madi Reyes
august.20. 24.
[ location unknown ]

I woke up in a cold sweat. I found myself breathing heavily, I was lying on the floor, in the grass.

But something was off.

This wasn't the creepy trail I was once at, no. Instead I was in a field of fluffy grass and flowers? The sky was bright and the sun shined on my face. I did not remember getting here.

I tried to get up, and started to try and walk around. None of this was familiar in the slightest, maybe the trail just looks different in the morning.

I kept walking until I suddenly spotted a cave. I'm pretty sure caves do not exist in Florida? Maybe they do I don't fucking know but I walked up to the cave, I didn't really know if this was a good idea but I needed to collect myself. I set down my bag and started to look for my phone.

It was at 67% and I had no service, yikes. I immediately checked my texts from Evan.

Evanananan 🤓💛

Madi are you ok???
madi why did you hang up bitch
are you ok???
please let me know if you're ok 💔💔
Just text me when you arrive or something
Or if you went home
Just please be ok man

Oh fuck.

I'm a horrible friend fuck.

I don't even know where I am, how I got here, and I have no way to let Evan know I'm ok.

He's probably worried sick oh my god. I'm such a shitty friend, was this even worth it? Trying to run away was such a fucking dumbass move. Like what was the point in trying? Running away to Evans would've gotten us in serious trouble too. I should've sucked it up oh my god.

I lied on the floor, all I could think of was how fucking horrible I was. I felt sick to my stomach, I just wanted to go home by this point. I wanted to apologize to Evan.

Maybe I'm in a weird dream right now, when I wake up I'll be perfectly fine and I'm at Evans.

I adjusted myself to rest and started to doze off, things will be fine when I get up, they have to be.

They need to be.


Cassidy Ariki
[ the everland forest ]

Man this place never gets any prettier.

Usually visiting these woods is a twice a month type deal, we just need to do a checkup the brat and see if they're ok.

I always hate the stupid checkups, I'm meant to be out in the fields killing doing a job worth my effort, not singing lullaby's to a little shit and tucking them into bed like "goodnight my dear!" I wasn't made for that bullshit. I was perfectly fine with that twice a month deal no more than that. I mean it's not like I'm being sent here on the daily.

However 6 days ago something arrived here unexpectedly and apparently it's arrived here. Which is great for me, who loves this forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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