13: i care about how you're feeling.

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: i care about how you're feeling

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: i care about how you're feeling.

timothée chalamet
tchalamet • instagram
19.1M followers • 134 posts
you don't follow this person on instagram.

you still remember my starbucks order?

iced white mocha
2 pumps hazelnut
vanilla sweet cream cold foam (??)
caramel drizzle


the amount of trips i did for you i don't think i'll ever
i'm not surprised it's still the same you lived off of
it for like a week one time and we're surprised that
you got sick

its really good okay.

i know it's good you never finished them
so i always had to

when tom goes he always forgets about the drizzle
so i was gonna get my own caramel bottle but now i just go

honestly just give him a script to go on so he doesn't

its fine id rather go anyway
he started being insistent on getting them recently which is
really suspicious
cause he was always weird about it before

yeah that's weird

i don't mean to vent to you about my boyfriend
i imagine its weird

it's fine denny
i mean after hearing about him ditching you i feel
like ive heard the worst of it

you really haven't

why don't you just break up with him?

i can't

why not
you deserve better than a guy who leaves you stranded
at night

it sounds so strange when i actually say it
but i don't want to be alone
it's engraved into my head that if i don't have a boyfriend im

you're one of the most successful people i know
you have two albums, one that's been one the charts
ever since it was released
you're not worthless.
your parents were absolutely awful to you and all the
things they told you were just so they could keep you
under their control

i know that
even though im away from them i still feel like i'm there
with them in my ear
telling me i'll never amount to anything unless i had a guy
to help me
fuck i didn't want to cry

do you wanna talk on the phone?
you used to say it helps you

no its okay
i don't wanna be a pain
i'll be fine

call me and prove it
you got the same number?

let me just get into presentable clothes

i dont care what you're wearing, arden
i care about how you're feeling


timothée chalamet wants to facetime!
[accept] decline

call ended: 9 hours 18 minutes.


timothée chalamet


anytime denny

i'll always be here for you

i'll always be here for youdeleted!

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