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Grace was eating her breakfast on the Slytherin table alongside her friends in the great hall. She looks over at the Griffindor table in search of her older friend, but a certain raven haired boy caught her eye. He sat at the very end of the table on his own. As she looked around to see if the rest of the trio were there, she saw them further down the table, Ron glaring at him, while hermione just kept her head down.

"Look, potters staring at you again," Pansy stated

"Honestly, when is he not it's pathetic," Draco responded

"Says you, you're looking at draco with literal hearts in your eyes, you big simp," Grace replies to her brown haired friend.

Pansy looks down as she knows her face is rose from being caught.

Grace looks at her other friend. draco looks emotionless like always, but theo he looks kind of.......angry? His face is tense, and his jaw clenched glaring down at his food.

This puzzles her, but she just decides to brush it off and looks towards Harry to see if her friends were right .

They were

He had his head on his fist while his eyes were staring longingly at her. He snaps out of his trance when he realises he was caught and drops his fork that he was spinning in his other hand.

Grace feels butterflies in her stomach from his actions. Waot no no, she wasn't affected by this she couldn't be, but she was. Why, why did it matter to her? Why? She had bever been affected by such thungs before, yet something so simple as potter looking in her direction gave her a feeling of fluster. Who is currently looking down, trying to cover his red ears from the embarrassing moment.

Breakfast was soon over, and now she had muggle studies, Grace had always liked muggle studies. She felt it was a contrast to all the magic she learned in every other lesson. Also, she grew up with muggles, and all of her siblings were non-magical people, so she knows from being in a magig-less household. Grace had a different dad to the rest of her siblings. Frank. Frank was the name of their dad, but Grace never actually knew her biological dad. But she didn't care, Grace didn't think too much about it, so it didn't bother her.

Gracelyn had taken care of her siblings all her life with the help of Fiona. Fiona was the same age as Grace, and when she wasn't at hogwarts, Grace would take care of all of them to give Fiona a break. They all stayed in contact by letters. If there was ever an emergency, Grace would go back home to help despite all of Fiona's protests. Grace already felt guilty enough for leaving her family for such long periods of time.

She sat down on the middle row, on her own - none of her friends had taken this class, so she was on her own. Until Hermione Granger walked up to her and politely asked "Gracelyn right? May I sit here, please?"

Hermione didn't know anyone in this class, other than Grace, she had heard about Grace a lot from Harry. So she recognised her, and even though they hadn't formally met, Hermione thought she seemed to be a good person to be friends with. From what Harry had said anyway.

"Please call me Grace, gRaCYn sounds so formal. And yes, of course you can sit here, but I thought you were a fourth year?" She responds

"Oh, I moved up,"

"Wow, well done,"

The rest of class, hermione, and Grace were bonding and becoming great friends. They had a homework project, and Grace asked her if she wanted to do it together, to which she agreed. Now they were walking back to the common room. Ron was already sitting on the armchair staring at the empty wall. The two girls shared a look but just shrugged it off. They sat down across from each other and began the project. But after a while, they decided to stop and finish it the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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