Indistinguishable night

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I kept my back forward

Losing track of stasis

I kept on keeping

Not on but rather off

Now the lights are blurred

Still in this life is sitting

Grimminating the rhythm stirred

Rolling out with fires turned

And suddenly the snow within me burned

A cause for outcry

In the middle of the wasteland

The parody of life seems steady

But only if you're in a boyband

The cause is more than sufficient

The time is never right

And this misaligned magnet

Taken aback by the wretched pew

Making me sit with the chosen few

Back of the bus feels

Empty room dreams

Classroom abandoned kind of

The nostalgia lingers

The painful lonelines hithers

Steady the bloom for what withers

Here in the deepest ocean tithers

No sense in making sense

Why care if there is too much opulence?

Train of thoughts running on speed

Gasping for what's left of this matter of misdeeds

Trying to find rhymes getting old

In this lame tale never told

Not out of style it seems

But let's cut the bullshit at the seams

Yes the puck is sent flying

Rolling out of control

Oh, it's not the puck you hoped for

The ball infused with spite

Ready to hunt down and bite

For now it comes alive

Radioactive in the slight

Essence and ever favor

In the heart of this dutiful endeavor

Caution seeping out of terror

The creature grows malignant as ever

In this rotting and dying ember

The explosion kicks and shelters the dismembered

Tireless whips of cautious unduluations

Unctuous like the new found lusty damnations

Spiral deep into the blooming catastrophe

Oh this freezing thought excoriated

Weather me this and plant them here

No there is no time to be sever

But there is no time like the present

So keep your head on you peasant

Fight for your life or die

It's always a painful existence

But the point is to live with magnificence

Better not have harvested our essence

Navigate the swirling derby

Like the painful bite of your cavity

Into your sweetest lush candy

Gaze into the abyss longer

So we can borrow time for the morrow

Sought to be more than the hero

But harrowing pain leads me there unto

The depths of despair

Looming over us like the culling moon

The sun painfully extinguished 

And the green glare of lights

That eat away at existence we parry

The days gone turned into restless nights

Literally living a nightmare construction

Of pathways undone for your destruction

Tunnels that subterranean lie

Here and forever the many moments that have are left to try

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