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"Fuck this place is boiling" Kai exclaimed opening his window to the fullest, he pulled off his hoodie feeling as if the material was melting into his skin. He lay down on the cold floor trying to find some kind of relief from the scorching sensation. "This feels better" Kai committed partially closing his eyes until two small slots were left. His arms and legs were splayed out making him lay starfish on his stomach. Even tho the burning he was able to sleep for a few minutes.

Duke was still on the stairs trying to understand the pungent sweet smell enveloping the air around him. In less than a minute he found himself in front of Kai's room, the door still missing from the previous day when they had knocked it down. On the floor there was a shirtless Kai, sleeping peacefully. The only thing Duke could do was stare. Stare so intensively he could poke holes into his skin, He didn't waste any time moving closer to the body on the floor. "Are you okay?" Duke asked placing one of his hands on the bare skin of the younger man and the first thing he noticed was the warmth sipping from his body.

"Mhh" the younger man said in a state of daze, "Nigga you are boiling hot" Duke said moving the body of the man on the soft newly washed sheets. Lucky for the older man the boy had still some kind of mental comprehension so he used it to his advantage "Okay, listen carefully now. Have you been taking your prescriptions?", Kai simply nodded with the dumbest smile ever. "Do you need help?" Duke asked one more time making sure Kai understood what kind of help he was talking about. The smaller man remained silent before shifting his gaze towards the older man's lips.

Duke didn't need anymore to be said and simply went for the attack on soft lips. That was the breaking point for Kai, who moaned feeling the heat from someone else's body mixed with his. "Are you sure about this?" Duke asked once more removing his shirt in a swift move. Kai nodded again, vigorously wishing for his friend to take the curling pain away from his body; "I'll need words for this baby" Duke said moving closer to the man's neck, littering the dark skin under him in soft wet kisses "Yes please!" Kai answered interwining his fingers in the man's locks.

The kisses shared between the two felt like shocks, sweet and peaceful thunders. Hot breathes mixing creating this thick air between the two. "Please, please I need it!" Kai pleaded, his voice almost a desperate whisper asking for help. The consciousness in Duke was slowly slipping away, letting the instincts take over, his mouth lingerie small kisses close to the man's nape imitating to bite into it at any moment. Kai's moans sounded like a song a song that shouldn't end ever.

Duke's lips were moving downwards towards his lower parts, duke stopped to get one more glance of reassurance before he continued, slipping the younger man's trousers and underwear off. Duke stopped every single movement in his body "ight I ain't going to stop now" Duke's head was immediately buried inside of Kai's thighs. His tongue moved in circles around the an's clit making him quiver away. Duke not wanting any sharp and any pain to be caused to the younger man decided to hold his hips down while he kept eating him out.

Kai's body was writing on the bed, trying to get even more friction than what he was already getting. A hand holding the sheets for his dear life while the other tightly wrapped in the taller man's hair. "Fuck" A small moan escaped from Kai's lips, the pleasure was getting in his head until he snapped his legs closed on the man's head, making Duke's head buried deeper. "Oh my fucking god, I- I'm close fuck" Kai was mumbling. Duke at that moment moved away from him making the submissive man heavily lament. "Why?" Kai asked on the verge of crying. At this point it was more than clear he had lost a sense of coherence in him.

"Wait, I need to loosen you up" Duke reassured, inserting one of his fingers into the tight heat of his friend. Kai's brows touched each other while his eyes squinted at the discomfort the sight stretch Duke's finger was giving him. "You good?" Duke asked seeing the signs of discomfort, "Yes" Kai replied trying to relax as much as he could. By the time Duke was sure Kai was okay, he added one more finger, initiating a slow scisoring motion making Kai's chest rise up faster, his breath heavy and his body shake "Please, It's enough, I eed, need more" Kai begged fucking himself on the fingers.

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