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A full month had passed, in the meantime, the lawsuit they got was still in the process under cover so nobody except them and their lawyers knew. Agent, Davis and Chris had finally registered as a pair and finally, Agent looked and could behave like a normal Omega once more, their relationship was going strong, they barely quarrelled throughout the time and always seemed close to each other inseparable. On the other hand, it wasn't really going as well, Kai's hormones had started kicking in by the start of February and now he was just a nervous wreck and he was entering the third month of his first trimester. Duke was acting detached from his mates, he would leave the house early in the morning and return late at night acting as if nothing. Fanum in all this was the one constantly fighting with Duke since Kai had given up on asking merely a week later.

And it was one of those nights, the perfect trio was sleeping upstairs each one in their respective rooms while Fanum and Kai were staring at the TV in front of them, some YouTube videos were playing on it but the two of them were too concentrated waiting for the usual cricking sound of the door opening. It was around eleven thirty in the night when Duke opened the door, he looked as if he had been drinking and partying all day. "Where the fuck have you been you fucking bitch?" Fanum didn't wait any minute before shouting. "It's none of your business!" The taller man answered slurring on his words. "Why?" Kai asked with a frail voice, a voice full of sadness and anger, "Why" he asked once more with a voice filled with rage. "Just tell us why the fuck are you never here?".

Duke stopped in his tracks halfway through removing his jacket, "Because I can't fucking do this no more, I don't want a child I ain't ready to commit a hundred per cent to someone and all this was a mistake!" Duke screamed at his face without thinking just going on a random rant. "I'm sorry, I- I fuck I didn't mean it. It was just random thoughts" Duke tried to say sorry, but both Kai and Fanum were shocked by the words said, they didn't know what to say. "Drunken words are sober thoughts!" Fanum remembered dragging Kai to Kai's bedroom. Leaving the older man by himself in the total darkness of the parlour.

By the time they got upstairs, Kai had burst into tears, he was sobbing and sniffing loudly not being able to contain himself anymore. Fanum didn't realize until they were in the room, "Papi don't cry!" Fanum reassured whipping up the salty tears from Kai's face while reassuring him it was going to be okay. "Why is he acting like t-this?" Kai asked confused by the change of mood from the man. "He's being a dick head it's gonna be alright!" Fanum replied covering Kai with his bed sheets before entering the bed himself. "Go to sleep, we have to go out tomorrow!" Fanum remembered turning the lamp beside him off before wrapping his hand around Kay, holding his belly tightly and whispering good night.

The next morning

Kai had woken up before Fanum with a killer headache and sore eyes from the crying he did the night before, he walked to the bathroom. His face looked like a potato in the mirror all swollen and with bloodshot eyes "Godayum, I look like a bloodsucker!" He commented rinsing his face in the sink. "Good morning love!" Fanum scarred him appearing from the corner of the bathroom door leading in to kiss his Omega.

"Where are we going?" Kai asked getting his shoes on, the remaining people had gone out for some grocery shopping since the house was literally empty, Duke was nowhere to be found at the moment, he had simply left a voice not saying he was going somewhere and he wouldn't be back till the next day. The two weren't surprised at all since that was a new routine they had to get used to, after all it was too late to get him removed from the relationship -document part- Fanum and Kai were basically his submissives and until he gave notice he, Duke had left nothing could have been done. "Baby shopping!" Fanum replied smiling widely. "Nigga it's early, I'm barely at the third month!" Kai replied annoyed, it had been over a month since Fanum had been begging him to go and buy baby stuff because time was running short, "Exactly pendejo, we only got four months left" Fanum replied once more. Finally, Kai gave in and walked to the car.

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