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The whole day was so sad for me. I felt very sad after everything that had transpired the previous day. I didn't know what I should do actually. I just didn't want to stay in the house because I get infuriated staying at home. I decided to give Tia and Kathryn a call. I dialed Kathryn's number and the phone started ringing. Finally, Kathryn picked up her phone.
   " Hello,Kathryn" I said
   " Hello Gerda. What's up?" She asked in a joking manner. I was crying seriously and my eyes had already turned red. It was indeed alot to take in_____
   " Kathryn, please can we three meet at Tia's house? I really want to tell you guys something" I gave my reasons.
   " Gerda, are you crying? Oh bestie, what's the matter?" She asked with a feeling of concern. It's so nice that she can detect when I'm unhappy and when I actually am_____
   " Kathryn, I'm not really in the mood to talk right now. I'll tell you when we meet at Tia's house" I concluded as I hung up the call. I picked my bag, picked my phone and picked my keys on my way to Tia's house. I walked on the street as though I was miserable whereas, I wasn't.  I felt so distressed and sad after getting to know the sad truth that dad has been hiding from me for so many years. I was gradually going nuts_____
   " My dad hid the fact that I have a mother and an elder sister from me for so many years now. Wow dad! Bravo! You succeeded in keeping me in the dark for 24 whole years " I kept on soliloquizing to myself till I actually got to Tia's house. If anyone had seen me on the road, I would have looked mad_______

   9:30 a.m...

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      I reached Tia's house with my eyes soaked with tears. My eyes were as res as crimson and we're as swollen as a pregnant woman's belly. I walked into the doors of the house and saw Kathryn and Tia sitting down on the chair. And suddenly, Kathryn turned towards the door and saw me there. They looked surprised to have seen me that way_____
" Gerda..." As Tia turned in a Dominie do form. They both came to me and saw me crying and asked me why I was crying.
" Tia, I don't think that this is the right place for her to talk to us. Let's go to WALLY'S " she suggested as Tia also concurred with this suggestion. We then all went to the Wally's by taxi which they paid for themselves______


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I had already told them everything that happened. They were also in a state of shock as I was too_____
  " So he really hid all those things away from you. But why did he do such a thing?" Kathryn pondered
  " He's such a foolish man to hide such a big thing from his daughter " Tia said and Kathryn replied her strictly and appropriately
   " Are you popped? How can you someone's dad foolish? Even though that yes, he didn't do the right thing,it doesn't guarantee you to call him a foolish man " she said it so well as though she was some kind of advocate
   " Oh! I'm sorry Gerda" she apologized
  " But she isn't lieing you know. He's foolish. Infact, that isn't the issue. What do I do now? I don't even really know her so where do I really start from now Kathryn and Tia?" I said to them to advise me. I was so frustrated about it all. I'm glad to have found friends like Kathryn and Tia. They were trying to give me an advise. Tia's advise wasn't too good though ______
   " Well, I think that you should just forget about everything and move on with your life. I mean, you have a whole life ahead of you Gerda. You know they say YOLO- You Only Live Once. So make the most use of this opportunity while you still can " she said as I turned over to Kathryn who normally gives the coolest and wisest advises ever. She's good____
   "Well Gerda,if I were to tell you something I would tell you that you should stop crying and focus on bringing your family back together again. Start by finding your mother and sister and you can continue from there. Just, don't put yourself on a high tension and also don't keep a grudge with your dad. He had his reason for doing what he did. You don't know,at least he was loyal enough not to re-marry______"
   " I'll tell you that this is life and you have to face it. Go find your mother and sister and don't be discouraged about anything at all"... I, Kathryn and Tia were surprised to hear this. "Who said that?" we wondered. We turned around to see who it was. It happened to be a guy about 6ft tall, brown hair,blue eyes and with a nice google to match. And surprisingly, he also happened to be same guy I net that day.
   " Hi Gerda. Remember me?" He asked with a smile on his face.
   " Yes I do. What are you doing here?" I asked rudely
   " I saw you crying and decided to follow you. You hated me after the day we met. I understand. I was wrong and you didn't even give me the chance to explain " he smiled a bit, brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and use it to wipe my tears.
   " Don't cry. My mum always told me that if you try to shy away from your problems,they would still come back to you as torments. So just do it now. " He then held my hand and pecked it. I was shocked. What sort of guy is he_____
    " I'm here for you Gerda" his words gave me an assurance that there was still hope for me. Especially now I needed it____
   " Thanks" I hugged him as he was about leaving. I honestly thought that he wasn't a nice guy at all but he seemed nice, approachable and kindhearted.
  " Ummm! Excuse me" he turned around and removed his googles. Damn,his eyes were a sight_____
   " I forgot to ask you your name. Please what's your name?" He smiled.
   * The name's Jace" he walked out and I really loved the advice that he gave me. It was really helpful. We then went home and I didn't really have a reason to cry anymore especially after his advice...

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