Chapter 4

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𝗘𝗻𝘇𝗼'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩 :

I undressed and had a boner. I haven't had sex in a while. Everytime I proposed the idea to Susanna, she never wanted to. I didn't want to cheat on her so I would jerk off myself.

I stepped under the warm water and did what I had to do.

I stepped out, dried my skin and looked in my closet. The first thing I saw is what I wore.

I don't usually dress fancy. Even at parties, I would just wear a plain t-shirt and cargo pants.

Susanna always complained but I wouldn't change my style, even for her. My life so it's my style.

I looked at my phone, 13 minutes.

I head to the kitchen.

"Morning." I said to my mum.

"Good morning, how are you?" My mum asked.

"Good, where's dad?"

"He's sleeping. The man was awake most of the night. He was waiting for you to come home and eventually fell asleep."

"I'm so sorry. It's just that I got drunk. Susanna and I had a few shots."

"Of course! It's always Sussia. Son, you need to break off from her and get a new girl. One who knows how to cook alongside me, socialise with us, is kind to us and everyone else, and we must approve of her. Imagine Emilia is so young, yet she hates Suzy with every fibre of her body."

"Mum, her name Susanna."

"I don't fucking care what her name is. I'll call her whatever I want. If she shows no respect to us, then I won't show any either. Son, respect is earned not given."

"I know mum. I promise she'll change. She just feels strange talking with strangers."

"Really? Two years is a very long time to get acquainted with us. I bet she wouldn't feel so strange if she actually spent time with us."

"Alright mum, that's enough."

"You know I don't sugarcoat anything, son."

My dad walks in and kisses my mom on the forehead.


A chorus of mornings follow.

"Have you told him about Suza?" Dad asked.

"Yea, he's still stubborn. He says her name is some Sussiana." Mum shrugged.

We ate breakfast.

"Bye, I'm heading out."

I hopped in my car and drove to school.

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